Hamas: Reconciliation to Increase Terror

Hamas' political leader slammed his Palestinian Authority counterpart for "aimless kangaroo-like" political gymnastics in the latest round of failed unity negotiations, according to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Hamas' Mahmoud al-Zahar also confirmed that the group has no intention of surrendering any piece of what it considers Palestinian land, reinforcing its rejectionist message.

"We in Gaza conducted a plan of resistance in order to drive the occupation out. The plan was accomplished, and not a single settler or soldier remains on the Palestinian land in Gaza. Our plan is to continue this approach," Zahar said in a July 21st interview with Dream TV. "At this moment in time, we say to you, first of all: We want Palestine in its entirety - so there will not be any misunderstandings. If our generation is unable to achieve this, the next one will, and we are raising our children on this. Palestine means Palestine in its entirety, and Israel cannot exist in our midst."

Zahar slammed Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his approach of turning to the United Nations for a state. The move is likely to be blocked by an American veto and would embrace borders that recognize Israel's existence, Zahar said, which Hamas rejects completely. "Therefore, anyone who says that Hamas has accepted the 1967 borders, I would like to make something clear: We will establish a state on any piece of land, but without giving up on any piece of Palestinian land," he added.

For Hamas, a reconciliation deal means cooperation in carrying out terrorism from the Palestinian Authority-ruled West Bank. "Hamas knows the goal of its platform," Zahar said. "We liberated Gaza through resistance. We want to conduct resistance in the West Bank as well. The problem is the security cooperation and the occupation."

Related Topics: IPT News, Hamas, Mahmoud al-Zahar, Gaza, Palestinian Authority, MEMRI
