Islamists See Opportunity in London Riots

Jihadist and Islamist commentators are advocating exploiting the rioting in England, both for stepping up operations and for increasing calls to spread Sharia law. Other jihadist posts are claiming that three Muslims were killed while trying to protect a mosque, portraying the acts as part of the war on Islam and a media cover-up of Muslim deaths.

A spokesman for the England-based International Shariah Movement posted a YouTube video about the riots, noting that they were the failure of democracy and Western values. "In reality, we can see the failure of the British government, we can see the failure of the British police, we can see the failure of the mayor, we can see the failure of the whole system of democracy, becauseā€¦ these are the fruits of democracy," the spokesman said.

"In the end of the day we need to understand that the whole of the Muslim youth have shown that Islam is a solution, Islam is a solution for the youth inside of this country. And if the government doesn't heed to those calls to the youth coming back to Islam and embracing Islam, then ultimately I think the government is going to continue to pay a very big price, from the actions of their 'democratic youth' in this country," he added.

An August 8 post on the al-Qaida linked Shumukh al-Islam forum called for terrorists to take advantage of the riots in London, which were keeping the police busy. The would-be "mujahideen" should strengthen their position in England, "like what happened in Libya and what is happening in Syria," according to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

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