McCarthy Debunks Reports Critical of NYPD

Former counter-terrorism federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy has become the nation's pre-eminent "truth squad" in analyzing, dissecting and debunking the mainstream media's campaign, seemingly in collusion with Islamist groups, numerous federal and local counter-terrorism programs and operations that are portrayed as anti-Muslim, as illegal for "spying on Americans," and for the use of informants which both the media and Muslim Brotherhood front groups have virulently attacked as either illegally violating the privacy rights of Americans or for "instigating" Islamic terrorist plots.

In a recently-published article on National Review Online, McCarthy once again demonstrates his sheer brilliance in rebutting the manifold falsehoods in the recent series of articles in the Associated Press as well as National Public Radio for their demonstrably false allegations of NYPD improprieties in their extensive and elaborate counter-terrorist program that emphasizes the primacy of good intelligence as the first line of defense in stopping terrorism.

Not only does McCarthy dissect the false media reports about the NYPD's counter-terrorist aggressive efforts to collect intelligence but he explains the critical role of intelligence in stopping terrorism. His critique of the administration's recent "counter terrorist" strategy policy papers shows the absolute national security dangers that these policies of empowering Islamist leaders representing the wide spectrum of front groups created by the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood in the past 20 years.

In a society where the prevailing elite political correctness seems to foster an ideological collusion between the mainstream media and Islamist groups, McCarthy's eloquent voice in challenging the politically correct power brokers in the media or Congress or executive branch has singularly kept the American public from having foisting onto them a series of morally bankrupt and corrupt policies and stories. Read his full story here.

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