Six Charged in Britain Plot

Six suspects were in a UK court Monday on a litany of terrorism charges, following a police raid in the city of Birmingham last week. The charges ranged from plotting a suicide bombing campaign and receiving terrorist training, to failure to notify authorities about the supposed plot.

The suspects are all between the ages of 26 and 32 and played different roles in a possible suicide bombing campaign. Suspects Irfan Nasser, Irfan Khalid, and Ashik Ali are charged for spearheading the plot. Nasser and Khalid allegedly made a suicide bomber video, travelled to Pakistan for training, collected money for terrorism, and constructed a home-made bomb. Ali, 26, is charged with collecting money, stating his intention to participate in the suicide bombings, and terrorism recruitment. In Pakistan, Nasser and Khalid allegedly learned how to make bombs, in addition to learning about how to produce poisons.

Rahin Ahmed is charged with assisting others to travel to Pakistan for terrorism training, as well as for his role in assisting and managing the money for the bombing campaign. Bahader Ali and Mohammed Rizwan are charged with failing to disclose information about the attacks to police, despite knowing about the plot at least since July 29. One other suspect remains under arrest pending the results of his interrogation.

Although this is the first arrest in several months, the New York Times reports that Britain remains a fertile ground for terrorism plots. Although MI5, Britain's equivalent to the FBI, remains understaffed, the intelligence organization has broken up a number of deadly plots. These include 2006 plan to detonate liquid explosives on transatlantic flights and the 2007 conviction of five Pakistanis for an intended bombing campaign against shopping centers, nightclubs, and synagogues.

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