'Hacktivists' Set Sights on Muslim Brotherhood

The group responsible for attacks on Amazon, MasterCard, Paypal, and the Spanish Police has announced its intention to launch a crippling cyber-strike against Egypt's main Islamist movement.

On Monday, Anonymous—a decentralized international hacking group— posted a video on YouTube warning that on Friday, the group's members would band together to launch a coordinated distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the Muslim Brotherhood's main Arabic site, IkhwanOnline.

According to the video, the operation, billed "Operation Brotherhood Takedown," aimed to crash the group's servers because the Brotherhood's "blatant, corrupt ways" have made it a "threat to the people" and "a threat to the revolution Egyptians had fought for, some with their lives."

Brotherhood-affiliated candidates are expected to fare well in upcoming Egyptian elections, with control over parliament considered likely.

It is unclear whether the Anonymous threat will succeed—or even materialize. While the headless "hacktivist" group has seen a number of successful intrusions attributed to it, it has also seen its fair share of glaring failures, including a planned attack on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) that never came to be.

At this point, it appears that IkhwanOnline is the only Operation Brotherhood Takedown target, although the scope may later expand. The site is but one of the many owned and operated by the media-savvy Egyptian Brotherhood—a fact readily admitted by the group itself.

And the group sounds ready to defend its cyber-interests, staying true to the Arabic script on its official logo, which simply reads "Prepare."

"The MB technical teams and engineers will deal with the message of 'Anonymous' as a serious threat, and will take necessary measures to secure its websites," Ikhwan Portal (a branch of the Brotherhood's media arm) CEO Khaled Hamza said in a statement responding to the threat.

"Appropriate legal actions will be taken against these perpetrators if they proceed with their threat," he added.

Related Topics: IPT News, Muslim Brotherhood, IkhwanOnline, Anonymous
