PMW Releases PA Anti-Peace Book

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik of the Palestinian Media Watch recently authored a book about the Palestinian Authority's (PA) anti-peace campaign. Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel and Advancing Human Rights founder Bomb Bernstein were on hand an event celebrating the achievement.

The book "exposes a year-long duplicitous campaign by the PA to utilize the various cultural, educational, and media sources under its control to promote messages of hate among Palestinians and undermine the peace process with Israel." The report shows that nearly of the PA's messages, even in the areas of culture and sports, demonized Israel and Jews.

"Unless the PA stops presenting terrorists as role models, and Jews and Israelis as inherently evil, and unless they stop educating their people to imagine a world without Israel, there is no chance of achieving authentic peace," author Nan Zilberdik said in a statement read at the event.

The PA is bound to promote nonviolence, to recognize the state of Israel, and to accept it as a partner for peace, according to its commitments to international peacemaking efforts. However, the PA's messages over the course of the book's year-long study show "a total abrogation of commitments," said Itamar Marcus. "The hope is that getting proper information out is a first step toward change," he added.

Related Topics: IPT News, PMW, Palestinian Authority, Palestinian Media Watch, Itamar Marcus, Israel, Violence, Terrorism
