Hamas Celebrates Anniversary with Bombing Statistics

Hamas' military wing, the Ezzedeen al-Qassam Brigades [EQB], is celebrating 24 years of the movement by boasting of the carnage it created. The group released new statistics about its terrorist operations. Senior Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh promised the fighting would go on, and that Hamas would "lead intifada after intifada until the job is done."

According to Hamas' latest statistics, the group has carried out 1,117 "operations" against Israelis including 87 suicide bombings and 24 abduction attempts. It also claims to have fired 11,093 homemade projectiles and mortars into the area around Gaza. Those attacks killed 1,365 Israeli "soldiers" and injured 6,411 others. The group claims to have lost 1,848 members throughout the years. It is unclear if the Israeli casualty figures provided by Hamas include unarmed civilians and children, whom the group often considers as reservists or future troops in Israel's army.

Hamas pledged a continuation of violence. "We affirm that armed resistance is our strategic option and the only way to liberate our land, from the sea to the river," Haniyeh said during celebrations in Gaza, which were attended by tens of thousands. "God willing, Hamas will lead the people ... to the uprising until we liberate Palestine, all of Palestine."

Hamas' violent pronouncements also seem to contradict the claims of Turkish politicians, who say Hamas is prepared to renounce violence and enter into peace negotiations.

Related Topics: IPT News, Hamas, Ezzedeen al-Qassam Brigades, Ismail Haniyeh
