New Jihadi Media Groups

The past month saw the launch of several new Arabic jihadi media groups, including an organization focused exclusively on Tunisia. The growth in Arabic jihadi media contrasts with a decline in English-language propaganda, following last year's drone strike on English-language al-Qaida propagandists Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan.

Among the newly formed and newly announced groups are the Ibn Taymiyya Center for Media, the al-Ibada Foundation for Media Production, and the al-Qayrawan Media Foundation. While the first two are relatively new and will focus more generally on jihadi issues relevant across terrorist organizations, al-Qayrawan is actually eight months old focuses on local affairs relevant to Tunisian jihadists.

Al-Qayrawan's announcement on a popular al-Qaida forum, according to terrorism expert Aaron Zelin of, is not simply a late news posting but symbolizes how the group has moved into al-Qaida's orbit. In less than 12 months since Tunisians deposed their dictator and carried out democratic elections, the terrorist group Ansar al-Shariah in Tunisia [AST] has gained enough local support to form its own media organization.

Media organizations play a key role in recruitment and propaganda efforts. A recent announcement by one of the most important al-Qaida web forums, Shumukh al-Islam, showed "thanks and praise" on media groups as "the finest examples in persistence and sacrifice." The post emphasized how the groups act as a counter balance to Western media, providing inspiration and information to supporters and troops in the field.

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