Excerpt from 'The Siege Continues, The Struggle Goes on: The Honorable George Galloway'

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Excerpt from 'The Siege Continues, The Struggle Goes on: The Honorable George Galloway'
Al-Awda: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition - NY

Widdi Hall
5602 Sixth Avenue
Brooklyn, NY
January 31, 2010


"Come on guys. Let's move it. Let's move that heart. Let's move that hand deep down in the pocket. This is the time to show our support. This is the time to show that we are caring for our people in Gaza. This is the time to show that we are not only about words. This is the time to show that we are all about action, not words. Who will give the next 5,000 dollars? We have another 5,000 dollars from [sounds like 'Jamila'] (UI last name) New York. Jazakallah khairan. This is the spirit that we need to see. Since there is no one for 5,000 dollars, how about two for 5,000 dollars, 2,500 each? Who will go for 2,500 dollars? (UI name) family, 5,000 dollars. Jazakallah khairan. [Applause.] 2,500, 2,500 dollars. That's not a lot for your brothers and sisters in Gaza. That's not a lot. What's your name dear? [Female says Gloria (UI last name).] How much? 2,500. Thank you very much. [Applause.] 2,000 dollars, who would offer 2,000 dollars? Walahi this is not too much, 2,000 dollars for those who can afford it. And those who can afford it know themselves. 500 dollars from Youth Center. 500 dollars. Jazakallah khairan. OK, we'll go for an affordable, a more affordable amount – 1,000 dollars. Who will go for 1,000 dollars? 1,000 dollars Zead Ramadan takbir, takbir. Jazakallah khairan. Zead Ramadan, the President of CAIR-New York. Jazakallah khairan.

"1,000 dollars. Who will go for 1,000 dollars? 1,000 from Zead Ramadan. Takbir. Takbir. Jazakallah khairan. Zead Ramadan, he's the President of CAIR-New York. Jazakallah khairan. [Applause.]
