Possible Third Attack on Israeli Targets Fails

For the third time in two days, terrorists targeted Israeli embassy staff in attacks attributed to Iran and its Lebanese proxy Hizballah.

The latest attempt failed Tuesday in Thailand when his bomb exploded prematurely, blowing off at least one of his legs. Bangkok police reportedly found more explosives in a house where the man was staying and his Iranian passport. A second Iranian reportedly is in custody and a third is being sought.

Four bystanders were hurt when the man threw grenades, including one at a taxi that did not stop to help him.

"The attempted terror attack in Thailand proves once again that Iran and its proxies continue to operate in the ways of terror and the latest attacks are an example of that," Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said while on a state visit to Singapore.

Last month, Thai authorities disrupted another potential terrorist plot by arresting a Lebanese man with alleged Hizballah ties. The move followed a warning by Israeli intelligence that Hizballah wanted to avenge the death of its military chief Imad Mughniyeh, who was killed in a bombing four years ago last Sunday.

The incident came one day after attacks on Israeli embassy officials in India and Georgia.

The wife of Israel's defense attaché in India was among five people injured Monday after a bomb was attached to her van. Indian authorities say a well-trained motorcyclist was able to plant the bomb as the car was driving through New Delhi.

In Tbilisi, Georgia, a car belonging to the Israeli embassy also had a bomb planted in it, but that was defused without injury.

Press TV, the Iranian government's English-language news outlet and a favored source for some American Islamists, issued several reports accusing Israel of attacking its own embassies to gin up sympathy for it and anger toward Iran.

"Israel perpetrated the terror actions to launch psychological warfare against Iran," Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said.

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