Samir Khan Releases Advice for Mujahideen

Jihadi forums have released a new guide with practical advice for aspiring mujahideen, posthumously attributed to former al-Qaida propagandist Samir Khan. In "Expectations Full," Khan recommends carrying out attacks at home, but provides advice about how to function in foreign jihads.

"I strongly recommend all the brothers and sisters coming from the West to conĀ­sider attacking America in its own backyard," Khan says in the section, "Why not the West?" "The effect is much greater, it always embarrasses the enemy, and these type [sic.] of individual decision-making attacks are nearly impossible for them to contain."

To emphasize the point, he goes into detail about the various difficulties encountered by mujahideen in foreign combat. In the section "Base-to-Base," Khan describes how endless training can be boring and end without ever seeing combat, the ultimate goal. "This is why I strongly recommend those brothers in the West to wage jihad inside their countries since they can choose when to fight and when not to," he states. "In the lands of jihad however, you get to taste the fruits of sabr [patience]," he adds.

Khan also gives a lot of other practical military advice. He tells would-be warriors to follow rules about not using electronics on base, to avoid giving out personal details that would be useful to spies, and to follow domestic politics in their chosen land of jihad. He also says it's ok to be scared when facing aerial bombardment.

Hygiene and comfort matter too. Would-be warriors should shower regularly and be especially careful to wash their feet, he says. They should also bring medicines and bug spray, avoid overeating, and recite prayers to ward of magical jinn [spirits] conspiring with the disbelievers against them.

Although killed more than 8 months ago, Khan's influence is still being felt. "Expectations Full" is his first and possibly last independent release. The recently released final issue of al-Qaida's English-language magazine, Inspire, also contained Khan's lengthy last testament.

Related Topics: IPT News, Samir Khan, JIhadi Media, Inspire, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP
