Michael Coren interviews Steve Emerson on the Muslim Brotherhood and Stealth Jihad

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MICHAEL COREN: Steve Emerson is one of North America's most eminent and respected commentators. He is the author of six books and his television documentary, if you haven't seen it, you have to, "Jihad in America" won the 1994 George Polk award for best TV documentary. Very early to have covered this sort of stuff. And top prize for the best investigative reporting from Investigative Reporters and Editors. He is also the executive director of The Investigative Project on Terrorism and he frequently testifies before Congressional committees and other related organizations. A great pleasure to welcome you back on the show. How are you?

STEVEN EMERSON: Hard to answer that question. I have become a dysfunctional workaholic, working 14 hours a day, but that is normal in DC.  And the only problem is that I am reading emails until four in the morning and it gets me so stressed out that I don't sleep till six. I'm fine, thanks.

COREN: I will take that as a, yeah, very well, thanks very much. I know because I've had some of the emails back from you in the middle of the night. I don't know when you actually do sleep. Of course those who plot against us don't sleep very much either. The real problem for me at least is not that the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups are organizing; it is that so few people in the west seem to understand it and are willing to stand up and fight back.

EMERSON: Well, it is not just willing. There is cognitive dissonance or witting collaboration. There are various motivations. They range from naiveté to our belief that if we don't lie, others don't lie. But the reality is that the Muslim Brotherhood is a fascist group and it is based on fascist principals founded in 1928. And even the presidential candidate Morsi, who just won; two hours before President Obama called him to congratulate him for transitioning to democracy, he stated in a speech in Cairo that the shariah will run Egypt from now on. The shariah implements second class codification for women, allows the beating of wives, allows the stoning of women, killing of apostates. And this obviously is going to cause major problems of persecution and even murder of Christians and other minorities in Egypt. Number two, in the United States and in Europe there is an equal problem, that the Muslim Brotherhood front groups, and there are many, and this was documented by the FBI in a raid in 2004 where they found a treasure trove of internal MB documents. There is a whole [Muslim Brotherhood ]structure in the United States and yet this Administration is dealing only with those [very same MB ] groups that believe that there is a "war against Islam", that Israel should be destroyed, that  support [or rationalize] suicide bombings;  and [moreover, this Administration won't]… don't deal with the genuine moderate Muslims who are so courageous because they know they will get shot at when they stick their necks out of the foxhole.

COREN: The question is why because this is abundantly true. We know there are moderate Muslims, probably not as well organized, in fact certainly not as well organized, but they are crying out to be heard and they are being rejected, dismissed, by the very people that they want to help.

EMERSON: Well first of all you are right, they are not as well organized and the Saudi charities and the Islamic billion dollar charities in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf don't go to American Muslims for Peace Now, they go to the Muslim Brotherhood groups. In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood groups get the lion's share of the Saudi moneys, of the Persian Gulf moneys and now they are so well endowed that they have a monopoly, not just in the Middle East, on the education system, on the media system, on the religious system but they have a monopoly here in the United States as well. And you are right. When there was just a hearing the other day by the House Committee on Homeland Security, Democrat after Democrat dissed and made outrageous insults against the three moderate Muslims who courageously testified and [who] admitted there is a problem within Islam that they want to correct; …that [stated is imperative]…  to admit that radical Islam does exist, it doesn't mean that all Muslims are terrorists, but the [prohibition] of even uttering the term "radical Islam" is part of the edict issued by this administration.

COREN: For those out there who say well I know Muslims and they are nice people, we are not attacking Muslims. If we look at the Russian revolution, the Bolsheviks never represented more than maybe 10% at most of the population, but they controlled an entire empire eventually. The Muslim Brotherhood speaks for more than 10%. They are heavily organized, they have been working for generations now, they now have Egypt, they could well have Syria by the end of the year. This is very worrying.

EMERSON: They could have Syria, they could have Libya. Ultimately they could have Iraq. There is already a different variety [of radical Islam] that controls Iran. Look, there is another problem here. The Muslim Brotherhood is not a democratic system. We equate democracy with civil society so when we allowed elections in Gaza, they elected Hamas, a terrorist government. Democracy didn't moderate them. The notion that we believe that direct elections and democracy are going to moderate the Muslim Brotherhood is absolutely insane. The reality is totally different. They are deceptive. They use deception. We [the Investigative Project on Terrorism] publish all the time, and so does MEMRI.org, all of their radical statements, but no one takes them seriously and then we buy into the naiveté. In the United States, the Muslim Brotherhood infrastructure has a monopoly on the Islamic communities. Most Muslims, I don't believe, support the radical ideas of the Muslim Brotherhood, but the Muslim Brotherhood groups themselves control the leadership of the organizations. They have infiltrated, and I am not being conspiratorial, they have penetrated the media; they have penetrated law enforcement and I can document that. In fact, [if I may],  just a plug,  [we have] a new documentary coming out in September is called "Jihad in America: Grand Deception" and it is about the stealth Jihad. That means it is about the Jihad waged legally in terms of infiltrating what they [the Muslim Brotherhood in their own documents obtained by the FBI] call a "civilizational Jihad process." That is a quote used from an internal MB document in the U.S.

COREN: Steve, we will have to have you back on the show. In fact, I promise we will have you back on the show. Thank you so very much indeed.

EMERSON: You're very welcome.

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