Jordan Arrests 2 Americans Entering Syria

Jordan intends to deport two Muslim Americans arrested by its security forces last month, reported Jordanian independent al-Sawsana on Thursday. The two were apprehended along Jordan's border with Syria, and conflicting reports suggest they were either journalists documenting the Syrian civil war or fighters bent on joining the rebels.

The two Americans were named Jonathon Rahimi and Domino [possibly Dominic] Vassiliou, defense attorney Musa Abdallat told al-Sawsana. According to the paper, they were apprehended while working as photojournalists trying to enter Syria.

They had "planned to photograph the unfortunate events Syria has witnessed since the outbreak of the revolution," the news agency claimed. "Camera equipment was seized with them."

But another Jordanian news source, Saraya News, claimed the pair had more sinister intentions. Saraya News reported July 19th that the two were picked up after trying to "undertake fighting" and "to join the armed groups against the Syrian state."

That story might fit better with other details presented by al-Sawsuna, including Musa Abdallat's representation of Jordanian Islamist groups. The paper also reported that Abdallat was seeking the pair's release to a third-party country, as the duo did not want to be sent back to the United States.

Related Topics: Daniel E. Rogell, Jordan, Syria, Jonathon Rahimi, Domino, Musa Abdallat
