More Baseless Israel Vilification From CAIR Rep

Cyrus McGoldrick, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) New York chapter advocacy director, has attacked the notion of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Supporters of a '2-state solution' in Palestine will share a page of history with the defenders of apartheid in South Africa," he wrote in a Twitter post Thursday. "Be careful."

Islamists and anti-Israel activists frequently invoke apartheid charges against Israel, but the claim does not hold up to scrutiny.

McGoldrick frequently utters extreme and false statements, both at CAIR events and in public.

In September, he went on Iran's state-controlled Press TV to blame America for deadly reactions to a crudely produced Internet video mocking the Muslim prophet Muhammad. In August, he used his Twitter feed to promote an Iranian-inspired anti-Israel rally.

In response to Thursday's anti-Israel post, a McGoldrick follower suggested Israelis could have better peace partners if the West stopped supporting Arab monarchies that spread hateful ideology. That contradicts McGoldrick's notion that Israel, and its very existence, is the source of all the turmoil.

He shot back: "you assume Zionists want peace. USA props up the Israeli/Wahhabi alliance, which is THE hateful ideology blocking justice."

To McGoldrick, lack of progress for Palestinians is everybody else's fault. America, Saudi Arabia and Israel are to blame, not Palestinian rejectionists – which McGoldrick's tweet indicates he is among – who refuse to renounce terror, recognize Israel's right to exist and negotiate peacefully.

McGoldrick's comments wouldn't be significant if not for his role as a representative of the nation's most visible Islamist political groups. His public behavior is a reflection on the organization he represents.

Related Topics: IPT News, Cyrus McGoldrick, CAIR
