Report: MB Book Urges Jihad in Egypt

A book recovered by Egyptian news media at Monday's sit-in outside the besieged Republican Guard headquarters in support of ousted President Mohamed Morsi includes multiple calls for jihad.

More than 50 people were killed at the army building, with protesters and Morsi supporters blaming each other for instigating the violence. Muslim Brotherhood officials have repeatedly spoken of shedding blood to defend Morsi's rule, so the discovery of the booklet called by the news website Youm7 fits the overall rhetoric being used.

Youm7 described the publication as a Muslim Brotherhood book and posted excerpts from it, including a section called "Women who preceded their husbands."

"You, my sister, do not think yourself far from this field, excused to sit out a fight, where is your living heart then about what is happening to the offspring of Muslims?" it says. "Shall you not wage Jihad on our enemy even if only by sincere intention?!" The author goes on to discuss the "virtue of Razzia (a plundering raid) and Jihad even if only by intention."

Youm7 has taken a stand against Morsi's regime. The article quotes an Islamic intellectual named Hassan Ammar Hassan, who said the book's presence outside Republican Guard headquarters is no coincidence. "The purpose of distributing to the protesters in front of the headquarters of the Republican Guard is to create a psychology for organized and armed action against the Republican Guard, involving Hadith about encampment, Jihad and false feelings that he who believes it will necessarily be right, and anyone else wrong."

Related Topics: IPT News, Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, Youm7, Hassan Ammar Hassan
