Egyptian Students Raise Jihad Banner at Pro-Brotherhood Rally

A group of Egyptian students who raised the black flag of jihad associated with al-Qaida during a protest Tuesday at Cairo's Al-Azhar University could face criminal charges, al-Ahram reports. A similar episode reportedly took place during a similar pro-Muslim Brotherhood protest at Cairo University.

Video posted to YouTube shows a handful of students holding the black flag, along with a mock American flag, with Israel's Star of David over the stars.

The black flag is hundreds of years old, al-Ahram explains, but was co-opted by al-Qaida and like-minded terrorist groups such as al-Shabaab and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Some of the pro-Brotherhood protesters at Cairo University took control of a law faculty office. Officials say they later defused a "rudimentary bomb" left behind. About 300 people participated in the Al-Azhar protest, chanting "down with military rule."

Egypt's army has controlled the country since forcing President Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate, from office in early July. The move followed massive street demonstrations against the Brotherhood's rule.

A teenage boy was killed at yet another pro-Brotherhood rally south of Cairo. Officials say the boy was the son of Brotherhood official Ali Kafafi. In other clashes, two police officers were killed in a shootout with militants.

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