Hamas Sends Threatening Text Messages to Israelis

Hamas sent text messages to various Israeli cellphones threatening rocket attacks and kidnaping. Commemorating the 10th anniversary of Israel's assassination of Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Hamas sent four different messages Saturday evening. According to Ynet, the messages were also sent to government ministers, their spokespeople, and some journalists.

Some messages included: "A warning to Zionists. Kassam rockets are waiting with you. If you want the life then leave our country."

"Al-qassam has chosen you to be the next Shalite … Be Ready" referring to former kidnapped solider Gilad Schalit.

"Israel established the injustice and the occupation and the fate of every entity of injustice and occupation is destruction… the Shaheed ["martyr"] Ahmed Yassin."

Some of the messages were written in grammatically incorrect Hebrew.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands rallied in Gaza to commemorate the anniversary of Yassin's death. Hamas PM Ismail Haniyeh used the opportunity to call on Abbas to end peace negotiations with Israel. "No to negotiations, no to compromise and yes to resistance," Haniyeh proclaimed to the cheering crowd.

Facing a hostile, military-ruled Egypt and a growing economic crisis in the Gaza Strip, Hamas may be looking to repair relations with Iran in hopes of gaining more assistance. Iran withdrew much of its financial aid after Hamas sided with rebels in Syria's civil war. Iran's Lebanese terror proxy Hizballah has provided vital support for dictator Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Even though Egypt has destroyed many of the smuggling tunnels into Gaza, Hamas continues to re-arm and develop their missile capabilities. Recently, Israel intercepted a shipment of advanced weaponry intended for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization; however, Israeli officials believe some of the weapons were destined for Hamas as well, in effort to bait the terrorist group back into the Iranian camp.

Related Topics: IPT News, Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, Ahmed Yassin
