Moderate Muslim Panel Warns of Islamic Anti-Semitism

The University of Toronto hosted a conference on Sunday featuring panel discussions devoted to modern anti-Semitism. According to the Canadian Jewish News, one of the panels was titled "Muslims against Anti-Semitism" featuring Raheel Raza, author of Their Jihad... not my Jihad!, and Tahir Gora, founder of Canadian Thinkers' Forum, a think-tank focusing on anti-Semitic activities in the Muslim diaspora. The panel discussion also included Tarek Fatah, author of The Jew is Not My Enemy: Unveiling the Myths of Muslim Anti-Semitism and founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress.

The three Muslim participants spoke out strongly against persistent anti-Semitism in Canada and throughout the Islamic world, fueled by radical Islamist ideology.

Raza warned against subtle anti-Semitism that sometimes is present within fora devoted to interfaith dialogue.

"Some aspects of anti-Semitism you see flat out, like Israeli Apartheid Week. But then there are those subtle forms that come under the umbrella of interfaith dialogue – the whole term interfaith dialogue has been hijacked by [extremist] Islamists."

Raza spoke about the anti-Semitism prevalent throughout early Islamic education and in the campaign to get universities to boycott and divest from companies which do business in Israel.

"If anti-Jewish sentiment is taught early in mosques, then is there any wonder you have Israeli Apartheid Week and BDS campaigns in places of education?"

Fatah referred to Israeli Apartheid Week and the BDS movement as blatantly anti-Semitic.

"What else is it? There's no BDS against Saudi Arabia. I've never heard of anyone having a BDS movement against China manufacturing goods out of slave camps…If you can't boycott Saudi Arabia, you can't boycott Israel."

Related Topics: IPT News, Raheel Raza, Tarek Fatah, anti-Semitism
