ISIS, Hizb ut Tahrir Call for Israel's Destruction

As Israel continues its counterterrorism operation against Hamas, radical Islamist organizations around the world are making anti-Semitic statements and calling for Israel's destruction.

Hizb ut Tahrir Britain, a radical Islamist group, held a protest outside the Egyptian Embassy in London on Sunday. The group's media spokesperson outlined various extremist positions on its website regarding the conflict.

For example, Hizb ut Tahrir calls on the militaries of various Islamic countries to invade and destroy Israel:

"The solution to this ongoing slaughter lies in the hands of the Muslim armies in the region. The only way such massacres will end is when the armed forces, which have more than enough capability to defend the people of Gaza and liberate all of Palestine, move to do this."

The organization's website calls for the overthrow of Arab regimes in the region for "sincere Islamic leadership that defends Muslims" referring to the establishment of a real "Khalifah Rashidah" or pan-Islamic caliphate in order to "liberate" Palestine.

It is also calling for all the United Kingdom's Muslim population to flood the country's mosques and Islamic institutions with its radical agenda:

"To this end a special dua [Islamic call] has been prepared by Hizb ut Tahrir Britain [available on] to be read-out in the masaajid [Mosque] during these last ten nights of Ramadhan. All Muslims are asked to take a copy to their local mosque and arrange for its recital."

Meanwhile, The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the terrorist organization that controls large swaths of Syrian and Iraqi territory has released a YouTube video full of anti-Semitic vitriol. The group is exploiting Israel's counterterrorism operations in Gaza to promote its anti-Israel agenda and justify attacks against the Jewish state. According to an IPT translation, the video includes this violent warning to Israel and its supporters:

"We are the descendants of [slain Iraqi terrorist leader] Abu Musab Al Zarqawi. We are sending a message to the brothers of apes and pigs, the Jews, and to everyone who assists them – the Arab tyrants who claim to be Muslims:

We swear in God that we did not emigrate and leave our wealth or our children, but to grant victory to this religion, and to defend the honor of our Muslim sisters. By God, we are coming to you with blood, bombs, fuses and explosives. By God, you are not going to enjoy your life as long as our brothers in Palestine are being slaughtered."

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