Qatar Friday Sermon Calls For Killing of Jews

A Qatari religious leader used his Friday sermon last week to pray to Allah to "kill [the Jews] the very last one."

Sheik Tareq Al-Hawwas' sermon was aired on Qatar TV, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Al-Hawwas also boasted that Hamas rockets have severely disrupted daily life for Israelis.

"For the first time in the history of the abhorred country, the state of Israel, sirens are heard around the clock and over three million people flee to their hideouts," he said. "Schools, governmental departments, and airports came to a halt. When have we ever heard of such things?"

But then, the radical preacher's sermon transitioned into an anti-Semitic diatribe.

"Oh, Allah increase the pressure You exert upon the plundering Jews. Demonstrate upon them the miracles of Your might, for they are no match to You. Count them one by one, and kill them to the very last one. Do not spare a single one of them. Oh Allah, disperse them. Oh Lord, freeze the blood in their veins. Oh Allah, tear them asunder. Oh Allah, sow discord in their hearts."

Al-Hewwas is a member of the influential International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), which is led by radical Egyptian cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi and which has made repeated calls for Israel's destruction.

This sermon is another example of the radicalism that is prevalent in many Middle Eastern mosques. It also should remind that international community that Israel's most ardent enemies typically avoid differentiating between Israelis and Jews overall in their quest for the destruction of the Jewish state.

Moreover, this sentiment is representative of a global uptick in anti-Semitic incidents and rhetoric in light of the violent escalation between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas.

Al-Hewwas has made similar anti-Semitic sermons during more peaceful times. During an April 2013 sermon on Lebanese television translated by MEMRI, he described the Jews' treachery and described the Holocaust primarily of being "exaggeration and lies. If only Hitler had finished them off, thus relieving humanity of them."

Related Topics: IPT News, Tareq Al-Hawwas, Qatar TV, MEMRI, anti-Semitism
