Emerson on Fox: The Obama Administration, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood

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MONICA CROWLEY: Welcome back to HANNITY. There's newly uncovered video of a U.S.-born jihadist, Mohammad Abu Salha, threatening America. Take a look.


MOHAMMAD ABU SALHA: There will be jihad today, there will be jihad tomorrow. No matter if you like it or not, there will be jihad. You think you're safe where you are in America or Britain? I have one word to say to you, we are coming for you. And I am glad to say this. Finally I get behind cameras and say this. We are coming for you. Mark my words! Listen to my words! You think that you killed Usama bin Laden. You did nothing. You sent him to Abdullah. You sent him to paradise. You think you won? You have never won. You'll never defeat Islam. You, Bush, any of your leaders.


CROWLEY: Well, that video was reportedly recorded the day before Abu Salha blew himself up, detonating a truck filled with bombs in Syria last May. The scary part is this man was a Florida native. So how worried should Americans be about homegrown terrorists? Here to tell us is terrorism expert Steve Emerson. Steve, good to see you. We know that since 9/11 we've seen a number of these homegrown terrorists. What can you tell us about the profile of American citizens who join the jihad?

STEVE EMERSON, TERRORISM EXPERT: Well, the profile is expanding. You saw in the video here he was a college dropout, Caucasian and western -- totally western. His English was impeccable. But I must tell you as, Yogi Berra said, it's deja vu all over again. If you go back to the 1980s, there are hundreds of American-Muslims who went to Afghanistan to fight the jihad against the Soviets. And then they returned. And guess what happened? In February 1993 the world trade center blew up. But that time only seven people were killed. Not enough until 3,000 were killed eight years later.

So, you know, history is repeating itself here. This is a shot across the bow. And frankly there are many, many more jihadists, not necessarily planning to carry out attacks, but who can be mobilized on a moment's notice. That's the problem here. And the problem is exacerbated by the fact that we have an administration that's in bed with these radical Islamic groups who pretend to be moderate or civil rights groups that have basically curtailed the ability of the FBI, ICE agents, to monitor, do investigations, or even prosecutors. Prosecutors now have to petition the Department of Justice to use the word "jihad" in indictments. This shows you the extent to which this administration has neutered the whole campaign to stop jihadism and basically interfere, Monica, with the ability of FBI agents to do their job. We saw what happened in Boston, right?


EMERSON: Why didn't we stop that one?

CROWLEY: It's really unbelievable. And you and your group, the investigative project on terrorism, have done extraordinary work in pointing out how the FBI, city and state law enforcement and now the border patrol with essentially an open border with god knows what kind of terrorists and Islamists are coming over the southern border, how they have really been hamstrung by regulations and political correctness restricting their ability to monitor the Islamic communities and the border.

Let me ask you this, though, because it does tie in to what we're seeing with Hamas's war on Israel. Talk to us a little bit about President Obama's feckless policy and lack of moral clarity here and very tepid support for close friend and ally Israel, how that's emboldened both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Muslim Brotherhood's military wing Hamas.

EMERSON: Monica, you couldn't have said it better, but let me be absolutely clear. The presidential -- this administration has essentially embraced and legitimized the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the godfather and parent of all Sunni terrorist groups, including Hamas, including Islamic Jihad, and Al Qaeda. And for the administration to make a distinction between Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood is simply murderous. And that's what they've done. They've lifted all restrictions on Muslim Brotherhood visits to the United States. They've negotiated with them.

And basically last night when Kerry announced a ceasefire, he said the ceasefire will lead to negotiations over underlying grievances. That's like saying that negotiations with Hitler would lead to a resolution of underlying grievances, like his hatred of the west, his hatred of Jews that killed 6 million, there is no underlying grievance of these groups other than destruction of the Jewish state and ultimately establishment of the Islamic caliphate.

I put squarely and fully the blame of the Hamas buildup of rockets and their tunnels that started in December, 2012, when Hillary Clinton first negotiated the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas that forced Israel to lift the blockade and allow Hamas to get concrete and steel, which they used to build tunnels and they used to create rocket launching facilities underground. That resulted in the most recent war, which has caused basically the strategic survival of Israel to be -- for the first time to be at risk.

CROWLEY: Yes. It's unbelievable to me that this White House through its actions has essentially legitimized the war criminality of Hamas. Steve, we have to leave it there. Thank you so much. And thank you for all of your hard work and monitoring what's going on here and abroad. Thank you.

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