Emerson on Fox News - Justice with Judge Jeanine
"There is no difference between Hamas and ISIS"

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Judge Jeanine: And with me now terrorism analyst with the Investigative Project, Steve Emerson. All right good evening Steve. Thanks so much for being with us this evening. At the end of the day, I'm talking with Dany Danon just a minute ago about the fact that we have one ceasefire after another and if the ceasefire itself isn't violated by Hamas, repeatedly history has shown us, then as soon as it ends they start fighting again. How long does this go on?

Steve Emerson: Well unfortunately with the pressure that this administration has been putting on Israel, Israel basically has its back against the wall. You're 100% right. The ceasefire is not going to last. Number one, no terrorist group in the history of the world has ever honored ceasefires. This is a terrorist group Hamas that is no different, Judge, than Boko Haram, than ISIS, than Al Qaeda and Hizbollah. It's the same, born from the same group, the Muslim Brotherhood, same agenda. A Muslim friend of mine called me after they heard I was going to be on your show, called me this morning and said you should make the point that if Hamas had the same rein over Israel as ISIS does over Iraq there would be mass slaughter of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of Jews in Israel, because that's their agenda. The ceasefire that they agreed to, 72 hours worth, is not going to last I can guarantee you because their demands are total lifting of any security blockade by Israel which would result not just missiles being launched on Israel, but even worse kinds of attacks. And this Administration unfortunately has abetted this type of situation, intolerable situation for Israel, intolerable security situation, by basically treating Hamas as a legitimate political entity that 'has legitimate grievances.' What legitimate grievances, Judge?

Judge Jeanine: Their legitimate grievances apparently we don't want Israel here and until they're gone we're gonna keep fighting to kill them. So how do we do that? How do we equate Hamas with Israel in terms of that comparison?

Emerson: There shouldn't be any equation. There's a recent article that just came out in the Gatestone Institute, 'Holy War Comes to Germany,' and it was about on August 7 an attack by Salafist jihadists supporting ISIS in Germany attacking Yazidis, as you know are a non-Muslim Kurdish sect. They are attacking them with intent to kill. And the newspaper that covered it had an extraordinary editorial. Let me just read you one line because I think it's really worth repeating. "ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Boko Haram—these four groups are the linchpins of the attempt to bomb an unstoppable modernity back into the Middle Ages." This is madness. This is from a German newspaper. An Israeli official said to me today, you know you Americans think that you can play Hamas as a legitimate group and it won't bother you. But you know what? It's gonna come to your cities and then you're gonna wake up. You know what, it did come to our cities on 9/11, but somehow this Administration has forgotten this.

Judge Jeanine: Steve let me ask you this. I mean you just read from a newspaper in Germany that they are in Germany and they are having open protests there. All right so they're in the United States. Are we ready for them? What are we gonna do?

Emerson: My staff just sent me tweets today from ISIS in the United States saying that they will attack the United States. There was a tweet from an ISIS member in front of the White House saying that we will destroy the White House. We got that tweet around noon today. They're here, OK. There is deterrence by the fact that they do not have enough numbers here. But you know, their numbers are growing. In Germany, in Europe, in Belgium, you saw what happened last month. It's growing by leaps and bounds. The reality is, the attempt to sort of separate ISIS as an unredeemable terrorist group that the President is now bombing with other radical Islamic groups like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, as sort of groups that you can negotiate with, or the Muslim Brotherhood who is a parent group, or its patrons the government of Qatar, is absolutely absurd. And the only way this is going to turn around and American security be preserved if the President now changes course and realizes these are radical Islamic terrorist groups, all of which are equal in their evilness.

Judge Jeanine: All right Steve Emerson, thanks so much.

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