Hamas, Fatah Military Wings Produce Rockets, Threaten Attacks

As ceasefire discussions in Cairo take place, Hamas and Fatah's military wings continue to devote resources to an ongoing terror campaign aimed at attacking Israeli civilians. A video report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) shows Hamas' military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades, boasting of its rocket production capabilities.

Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida starts out with a mocking anti-Semitic insult directed to Israel's Defense Minister.

"Yaalon threatens us with a ground offensive. We say to him: You are threatening us with something we are anticipating, you son of a Jew?"

The Al-Aqsa TV reporter also brags of Hamas' rocket attacks.

"On August 7, when the Zionist military forces were attacking Gaza from air, land, and sea, the Al-Qassam Brigades were launching strikes against Tel Aviv and Haifa, as well as neighboring towns in occupied Palestine."

Hamas refers to all of Israeli territory as "occupied Palestine" and the terrorist organization is committed to the Jewish state's destruction.

"Others continue to produce additional rockets, capable of striking deep into Zionist territory with the utmost precision. These rockets replenish the shortage stemming from daily launchings," the reporter said.

The reference to 'utmost precision' is consistent with Hamas' prior statements that its rockets only target Israeli Jews; however, many errant rockets have caused severe death and destruction among Gaza's population.

Meanwhile, Fatah's military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, also continues to boast of its terrorist role in the latest conflict. Another MEMRI video report shows Fatah affiliated terrorists displaying its own manufactured rockets and "booty" confiscated from the Israel Defence Forces, according to the Lebanese Mayadeen TV station.

Abu Muhammad, an Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades spokesman, demonstrates how the terrorist organization prepares for war while negotiations are taking place.

"Our conditions for a lull were conveyed by our delegation, headed by Azzam Al-Ahmad, but our engineering and manufacturing units are continuing to operate as usual. They provide supplies on a daily basis to the brothers fighting throughout Gaza. The units supply them with the ammunition they need – rockets and explosive devices."

A brigades member reiterates that his organization is committed to a terrorist campaign against Israel.

"The only effective course of action against the enemy is armed struggle – kidnapping soldiers, striking the enemy, and martyrdom operations. We in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades promise you that we are preparing a high-profile attack against the Zionist enemy: kidnapping Zionist soldiers and imprisoning them, in order to empty the Zionist prisons of our commanders and comrades held there."

"We are going to transfer this [missile] to a position from where we will target [the enemy]," a brigades member said.

It is important to note that Hamas is not the only terrorist organization attacking Israeli civilians. Other factions, including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Fatah's military wing, are also continuously preparing for further terrorist attacks against the Jewish state.

Related Topics: IPT News, MEMRI, Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Hamas rockets
