Hamas Admits Deporting Foreign Journalists Who Filmed Rocket Launches

Hamas now says it deported foreign journalists from Gaza for documenting rockets launches from civilian areas, according to a video translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). In an interview with Mayadeen TV, Isra Al-Mudallal, head of foreign relations in the Hamas Information Ministry, confirms that Hamas security personnel would confront journalists suspected of filming its terrorist operations.

"So when they were conducting interviewers, or when they went on location to report, they would focus on filming the places from where missiles were launched. Thus, they were collaborating with the occupation," al-Mudallal said. "These journalists were deported from the Gaza Strip. The security agencies would go and have a chat with these people. They would give them some time to change their message, one way or another."

"Some of the journalists who entered the Gaza Strip were under security surveillance. Even under these difficult circumstances, we managed to reach them, and tell them that what they were doing was anything but professional journalism and that it was immoral," added Al-Mudallal.

Throughout the latest conflict, Hamas has threatened and interrogated Western journalists, preventing them from covering the terrorist organization's use of human shields.

Recently, a Spanish journalist confirmed that Hamas launched rockets from the press hotel in Gaza, according to the Algemeiner website. Fernando Gutierrez, writing for Metilla Hoy, tweeted in Spanish: "On Saturday, 9th of August, Hamas launched a batter of rockets from press hotel. What was their intent? To provoke Israel to kill us? #SaveGazaFromHamas."

Related Topics: IPT News, MEMRI, Isra al-Mudallal, Hamas rockets
