Al-Shabaab Video Seeks Recruits in Minnesota

Al-Shabaab, al-Qaida's Somali affiliate, wants Muslims from Minnesota to sign up. A new video released last week by the terrorist group's media arm, the Al-Kataib Foundation, urges Minnesotans along with jihadists from Great Britain, Germany and other non-Muslim nations to join its jihad.

Four Somali fighters appear in the video with their faces digitally obscured sitting while sitting with their AK-47s.

"Those that are living in the U.S., especially Minnesota, Great Britain, Germany and many parts of the kuffar (unbelieving) world, you have a decision to make today," one of the fighters says in slightly accented English.

Al-Shabaab already attracted numerous foreign Muslims from abroad to its ranks, including British-born Samantha Lewthwaite, aka the "White Widow," and Omar Shafik Hammami (AKA Abu Mansour al-Amriki), an American-born jihadist. Hammami, an Alabama native and Muslim convert, served as a leading propagandist for the group before being killed in September 2013.

At least 40 Americans, mostly from the Minneapolis area, have joined the terrorist group, along with 20 to 25 Canadians.

Several Americans died fighting for the terrorist group – including one as a suicide bomber.

"If you choose to not make this decision and not answer the call of Allah, note that there is a clear evidence against you on the day of judgment in the court of Allah," the man in the video said. "For what are you still living in Dar al-kuffar [Land of disbelief] for? Is it the schools, the jobs and the settlements you have? Know that this world is only temporary and the hereafter is eternal.

"So save your souls from the great punishment of Allah … and make Hijrah," he continues. "Come join us."

In a direct verbal attack against the United States, the masked man reminds Americans of the defeat they suffered in Mogadishu in 1993 when the bodies of their soldiers were dragged through the streets.

He also celebrates last year's attack against the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya that left 67 people dead. U.S. forces launched a drone attack against Al-Shabaab Tuesday in an effort to kill the Ahmed Abdi Godane, the group's leader widely believed to have been behind the mall attack.

"Know that our war against you is not based on geographical borders or securing tiny strips of land, but between truth and falsehood" the masked man said. "You should know that this war will continue until the last drop of your blood is spilled."

Related Topics: John Rossomando, al-Shabaab
