Baby Killed When Suspected Terrorist Slams Car into Jerusalem Crowd

A car driven by a suspected Hamas member crashed into a crowd at a light-rail station in Jerusalem Wednesday, killing a three month-old girl and injuring eight others.

Israeli officials confirmed that the suspect, Abdelrahman al-Shaludi, is a former Palestinian prisoner from Silwan who may be a Hamas member. Security camera footage apparently recorded the car as it drove onto the platform of the rail station and struck innocent Israeli civilians.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube.

Al-Shaludi was shot by police as he tried to run away. He later died from his wounds.

Hours later, dozens of masked Palestinians clashed with police forces in Silwan and Issawiya, setting tires ablaze and reportedly injuring a police officer following a fire bomb attack.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas of inciting violence that encouraged the suspected terrorist attack, the Jerusalem Post reports.

"This is how Abbas' partners in government [Hamas] act. This is the same Abbas who, only a few days ago, incited toward a terrorist attack in Jerusalem," he said.

This comes amid increased Palestinian attacks in Jerusalem, including rock throwing and Molotov cocktails.

A Hamas spokesperson said that if the incident at the rail station was a terrorist attack, it was justified.

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