Emerson on Fox News Hannity discussing the rise of radical Islam

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Sean Hannity: –And now the reaction is terrorism expert Steve Emerson. ISIS called for these lone wolves to attack Canada and the United States. Are to we glean that their adherents, their followers, their converts, is it, you know it seems very similar to Oklahoma, is that now happening do you think, Steve?

Steve Emerson: Look, I don't buy the notion that ISIS is the group to be blamed here for the sudden emergence of Islamic terrorism. Long before ISIS was created or born, Islamic terrorism was being carried out around the world for the last 20 or 30 years. And it's radical Islamic theology [that was], born out of the Muslim Brotherhood, that's responsible for violent [upsurge]

Hannity: Yeah but Steve, specific calls for lone wolf attacks.

Emerson: Yes.

Hannity: We saw the beheading in Oklahoma, we saw the incident in Canada today, so –

Emerson: Yeah but remember, Sean, that not just the [the results of] calls for lone wolf attacks, but the [product of] incendiary accusations that there's a war against Islam [which] is in a sense a call for a lone wolf attack, because it basically tells a young Muslim who's to be angry against the West, against the United States, against the Western power, and to avenge the killing of Muslims by the West. It's exactly what happened in New Jersey [in August this past year], –

Hannity: Yeah.

Emerson: – which didn't get a lot of attention, as you know, when a Muslim convert killed four men, confessed to it, and said he was a jihadist, wasn't charged with Islamic terrorism, [but was] just charged with murder, because we didn't want to carry out, you know, the [transgression of invoking the] politically incorrect charge of Islamic terrorism. This goes on all the time. Today, look, in Israel, in Jerusalem, a person rams into a crowded [group of civilians and kills a 3 month old baby in the name of jihad]–

Hannity: Let me ask you this –

Emerson: OK.

Hannity: – because this is important. Compare and contrast for us if you can the Canadian prime minister, no hesitation, immediately identified this as likely terror, and our own president once again is reluctant and resistant. Why?

Emerson: Listen, this goes back to the beginning of the [Obama] presidency when he basically banned the use of the term 'Islamic terrorism.' He won't use that term, he won't use the term 'jihad,' he blamed everything from the very beginning on Al Qaeda, when in fact it belonged on radical Islam. He uses the term 'violent extremism' as a euphemism. So I'm not surprised, but the reality is that he takes the onus away from the Islamic groups for responsibility when he doesn't blame them for [creating the atmosphere leading to the] carrying out acts of Islamic terrorism. And it's really it's not just a problem of responsibility, but it's a problem of taking the onus of responsibility away from the clerics in the mosques and the imams that he invites to the White House, that he invites and says, 'Oh, you're fine, you're legitimate,' and he doesn't basically obligate them to condemn all these fatwas calling for the killing of infidels.

Hannity: Yeah, but you know what? At least the Canadian prime minister had the guts to –

Emerson: Yeah,

Hannity: – identify it.

Emerson: He is, you're 100 percent right. Stephen Harper needs to be commended, as does David Cameron.

Hannity: Yeah.

Emerson: They both have condemned radical Islamic extremism, and they both have spoken up for Western values, and that's something our president hasn't done.

Hannity: Alright, Steve Emerson, thanks for being with us tonight. We appreciate it.

Related Topics: Steven Emerson, Islamic Terrorism, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Canada, Lone Wolf, Muslim Brotherhood, Oklahoma, Obama, David Cameron, Stephen Harper
