Hamas, Fatah Officials Praise Terrorist Who Killed Israeli Baby

Palestinians across the political spectrum are praising Wednesday's terrorist attack in Jerusalem, which resulted in the death of a three-month-old Israeli baby. A car driven by a suspected Hamas member crashed into a crowd at a light-rail station in, killing the baby girl and injuring eight others.

An official Hamas statement refers to the infant as a "female settler," and urges Palestinians to "escalate the confrontations" against Israel in various locations, a translation by the Investigative Project on Terrorism shows.

"The Islamic Resistance Movement 'Hamas' praises its son, the hero martyr Abd al Rahman Idris al-Shaludi (23 years) implementer of the operation of running over the settlers in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem, which led to the death of a female settler and the injury of 8 others," the Hamas statement reads.

Moreover, Sultan Al-Einein, an adviser to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, praised the terrorist, referring to him as a "heroic Martyr," a Palestinian Media Watch translation of his official Facebook page said. Shaludi was shot by police and later died from his injuries

Al-Einein has glorified terrorists in the past, leading five members of Congress to demand that Abbas fire him and condemn his views. Abbas has ignored the American pressure.

Abbas' Fatah party also glorified the terrorist's actions, posting an obituary on its official Facebook page.

"The Palestinian National Liberation Movement (Fatah)-Silwan branch accompanies to his wedding the heroic Martyr Abd Al-Rahman Al-Shaludi, who carried out the Jerusalem operation, in which settlers in the occupied city of Jerusalem were run over. Rest in peace! We are loyal to you," the Fatah statement said.

Abbas' refusal to reprimand Al-Einein and failure to hold other officials accountable lends tacit approval of the terrorist glorification sentiment that is prevalent throughout senior ranks of the Palestinian Authority and Fatah.

Related Topics: IPT News, Hamas, Jerusalem, Abdelrahman al-Shaludi, Sultan Al-Einein, Mahmoud Abbas
