Hizballah Sympathizer Arrested on Gun Charge

A 26-year-old Wayne State University medical student, arrested Sept. 8 on multiple counts of carrying a dangerous weapon with unlawful intent, has a website containing video and other propaganda related to Hizballah.

Hizballah, or "the Party of God," is a Shiite terrorist network funded by Iran. It has a long history of violence against Israel and the United States.

Houssein Zorkot, who is of Lebanese dsecent, was arrested by local police after he was spotted walking around a park wielding an AK-47 assault rifle, wearing camouflage makeup and dark clothes.

Zorkot's website includes praise for Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah. It also links to Al-Manar, a satellite television controlled by Hizballah and contains statements such as: "Hezbollah protects Lebanon" and "Hezbollah is a national resistance organization."

Both Hizballah and Al-Manar have been listed as Specially Designated Global Terrorists by the US Department of the Treasury.

Dearborn police expressed concern about comments about jihad on Zorkot's website during a court hearing Sept. 21. The site allegedly includes photos of soldiers with the caption "The Start of My Personal Jihad (in the U.S.)."

Zorkot remains in custody on a $1 million bond.

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