Terrorist Activity on Israel-Syria border as Iran Seeks to Arm Hizballah

Tensions are rising along the Syrian-Israeli border after the Israeli Air Force (IAF) killed four terrorists who infiltrated from Syria and planted explosives in the Golan Heights, the Jerusalem Post reports.

The IAF observed the terrorists planting the explosive devices clearly before ordering the strike.

The Israel Defense Forces is continuing to conduct routine security missions in the area and stated that it will not "tolerate any attempt to harm or violate Israeli sovereignty."

This development comes amid rising border tensions and reports of an alleged Israeli air strike against strategic Syrian military sites housing long-range missiles, intended for the terrorist organization Hizballah.

The "raid was a pre-emptive strike to prevent a plan to hit strategic targets in the Golan, which would draw Israel into a war with Syria, and shuffle the cards," a Western diplomatic source confirmed to Al Jarida and reported by the Jerusalem Post.

Israel's Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon warned Iran not to supply Hizballah with advanced weaponry. His comments came the day after the alleged air strike in Syria and hours before Israel foiled the terrorist infiltration into its territory.

"We will not allow the transfer of sophisticated weapons to terror groups, and in particular Hizballah," Ya'alon said.

In January, the Israeli Air Force reportedly hit a military convoy in the Syrian border town of Quneitra, killing six senior Hizballah operatives and six senior Iranian IRGC officials, including a brigadier general. A Western intelligence source revealed that Hizballah was trying to create an operating base on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights with Iranian assistance. The base would be used to carry out cross-border attacks and fire rockets into Israel.

Even though Israel will not reveal the organizational source of this past week's infiltration, the incident highlights the deteriorating security situation on the Syrian border as terrorist organizations devoted to Israel's destruction expand their presence in the region.

Related Topics: IPT News, IDF, Hizballah, Israel Air Force, Syria, Golan Heights, Moshe Ya'alon, IRGC
