Ex-CAIR Official Again Attacks the U.S. on Iranian TV

Former CAIR official Cyrus McGoldrick recently traveled to Iran and again attacked the United States on Iranian state-controlled Press TV again, Front Page Magazine reports, citing McGoldrick's own social media posts.

McGoldrick, who served as advocacy director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) New York office, glorified Iran's confrontational posture vis-a-vis the West and Gulf states.

"Iran as always continues to be an opponent of ... injustice, an opponent of imperialism in the region and so it only makes sense ... that you see these very familiar allies, the same cast of characters, the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and now its regional allies standing against it [Iran] once again."

McGoldrick, who indicated he has relatives in Iran, specifically praised the Islamic Republic's active role in the Yemen conflict. A recent United Nations report confirms that Iran has delivered massive shipments of weapons to Houthi rebels in Yemen since 2009.

Iran claims that current shipments to Yemen are solely for humanitarian purposes and McGoldrick gladly plays the role of an unofficial Iranian spokesperson towing party line.

"This is just one more grotesque... example where Iran is being accused of what their opponents are already doing... Iran is sending much-needed aid, is being blamed for escalating a conflict which it certainly did no part in starting...it is very important and I want to put forward the immense pride that we have in the people who are on that boat..." McGoldrick said on Iranian TV.

CAIR officials routinely appeared on Press TV to criticize the United States during McGoldrick's tenure. But CAIR seemed to back away from that activity as it drew more public attention.

McGoldrick had no hesitancy to lash out at the United States, saying Yemen's conflict "is about the American hegemony throughout the Muslim world, throughout the world at whole."

On Thursday, he laughed off Joe Kaufman's article calling attention to his statements.

Since 2012, McGoldrick has been on Press TV 17 times, mostly to denounce the United States government, including President Obama, and law enforcement as evil and heavily biased against Muslims.

In a 2012 interview on Press TV, McGoldrick accused the FBI of using "tremendous resources to spy on Muslims, to demonize Muslims and to entrap Muslims..."

His affinity with the Iranian regime is extensive. In August 2012, he promoted an "al-Quds Day" rally in New York, featuring vehement anti-Israel rhetoric at the Iranian-inspired event.

Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini created Quds Day, a commemorative day used by subsequent Iranian leaders to call for Israel's destruction and publicly delegitimize the West.

Related Topics: IPT News, Cyrus McGoldrick, CAIR, Press TV
