For Obama, winning is not enough

The condemnations of U.S. President Barack Obama's creepy, anti-Semitic characterizations of ‎opponents of the Iran nuclear deal have revealed that even supporters of the ‎president and the deal he is selling have been taken aback by the toxicity of the ‎president's words and campaign. The president's speech at American University, ‎where he delivered his latest defense of the Iran nuclear deal before departing for ‎another vacation, was artfully deconstructed by Dennis Prager. The president's ‎arguments in this speech were wrong on almost every count. ‎

Despite the administration's drumbeat, war is not the only option to the very poor ‎deal Secretary of State John Kerry brought home after conceding pretty much every major ‎negotiating point to his Iranian counterparts in order to give Obama ‎something to sign. In fact, with all the billions in funds to be released to Iran, war ‎initiated by Iran has become more likely as Iran steps up its support of terrorists ‎aiming at Israel and Sunni Arab nations, and others further afield. Certainly, a ‎military action by the United States against Iran has never been a real option in the ‎Obama years, whether before negotiations began, through the negotiation period, ‎and now after them, whether or not a deal had been concluded and whether or not ‎this deal is approved or rejected by Congress. Rejection of a deal by ‎Congress would in no way increase the likelihood that this president will be going ‎to war with Iran. That has been obvious all along to Iran, as they witnessed the ‎world's most powerful nation, come to them begging like a hungry dog looking for ‎food, or at least approval. It was common sense for Iran to continually demand ‎more relief from sanctions, or inspections, knowing the American desperation for a ‎deal meant there was no stick to balance the carrot of concessions. We would ‎never walk away from the talks, and we would never hit their nuclear facilities.‎

This week came one more revelation of how single-minded this administration has ‎been on turning Iran into its new partner. We now know that then-Senator John ‎Kerry was sent off to woo the Iranians in 2011, when Holocaust denier Mahmoud ‎Ahmadinejad was still president, rather than the ostensibly more moderate ‎Hassan Rouhani, who followed. So negotiations had nothing to do with Iran ‎showing a new face and opening to the West. Kerry came with an opening offer ‎that Iran could continue its nuclear enrichment even if a deal were struck. In other ‎words, if you like your nuclear program, you keep your nuclear program. There is ‎nothing like giving up everything in the store before the thugs enter to hold you up. ‎

A rejection of the deal by the United States Congress will mean that American ‎sanctions will remain in place, other nations and foreign companies seeking to do ‎business with Iran will have to be careful not to violate these, the $100 billion plus ‎in frozen money Iran expects to receive will not all be released, and the United ‎States will be freer (assuming its president had an iota of interest, maybe the next ‎one), to call out and act upon Iranian aggression wherever it next occurs. ‎

Sadly, none of this may matter to loyal Democrats in the House and Senate, who ‎have concluded that opposing a president of their party on an issue he considers ‎important requires a lot more courage than they ever signed up for. The president ‎who ran on being a uniter, not a divider, has succeeded in making everything a ‎Democratic versus Republican issue, and has worked to make Israel a similar ‎wedge issue. But now the battle is among Democrats -- with the president showing ‎his pique at Democrats who dare to defy him, including New York Senator Charles ‎Schumer, the third-ranking Democrat in the Senate. The president is working the ‎phones from Martha's Vineyard to make sure the Schumer opposition, carefully ‎explained in a detailed letter, does not metastasize to something that threatens the ‎deal. Press secretary Josh Earnest all but admitted that the White House would not ‎be surprised (and might welcome?) opposition to Schumer becoming the lead ‎Democrat in the Senate after Harry Reid retires. Another Earnest throwaway line ‎was that Schumer and Obama have had their differences for over 10 years ‎‎(starting with the Iraq vote presumably), though such differences never stood in ‎the way of Obama offering jobs to Hillary Clinton, ‎Kerry, or Vice President Joe Biden, despite their all voting for the Iraq war resolution. ‎

The ability to mislead, and outright lie, has become a key part of the job for ‎politicians, one reason among many why they are so uniformly unpopular. That ‎Obama is much better at both practices than most politicians is a reason why he ‎has advanced further in his political career than so many of his contemporaries. ‎Consider the real potential now for a collapse of Hillary Clinton's presidential ‎campaign, that if it occurs, would be attributable to a judgment by a large group of ‎voters that she is a bad liar, and generally untrustworthy. Obama, on the other hand, has mastered the art ‎of demonizing opponents and lining up his supporters to do the same, so that ‎every policy disagreement is viewed instead as a character issue among the ‎opponents. ‎

‎The campaign against the Iran deal opponents has revealed something else about the ‎president, now well into his seventh year in office. Obama seems to be unable at this ‎point to even accept that some people will challenge his direction and his ‎explanations. If they oppose him, it must be because they are people who are ‎always wrong about policy (hence, less intelligent and thoughtful than the all-‎knowing seer), traitors (more loyal to the government of Israel than America), ‎racist (reflexively opposed to everything Obama, in large part because of his race), ‎warmongers, or lacking knowledge of what they are talking about (they must not ‎have read the agreement or listened to the deal's defenders in the administration). ‎There is a barely disguised contempt for anyone putting forth a contrary ‎argument. The president is still likely to win at this point -- meaning an override by ‎‎a 2/3 vote in both houses of Congress will be very difficult to achieve. But winning ‎seems only part of his design. He seems to want to crush opponents -- whether the ‎bipartisan American Israel Public Affairs Committee or Democrats who oppose him. As Bret ‎Stephens has written, the president has supreme certitude that he is right and anyone not on his page, is ‎wrong. There is no self doubt. ‎

‎"Who is it, according to the president, who supports the deal? It is, ‎he said in his speech last week at American University, the ‎unanimous U.N. Security Council, the majority of 'arms control ‎and nonproliferation experts,' 'over 100 former ambassadors' and 'every nation in the world that has commented publicly' -- with one ‎lone exception.‎

In sum, the forces of good, the children of light, the 99%.‎

And who's against the deal? A "virulent" majority of Republicans. ‎Lobbyists funding a multimillion-dollar advertising effort to ‎oppose the deal. Partisans and pundits. Warmongers. The people ‎who were wrong about Iraq. Hard-liners in Iran's Revolutionary ‎Guard Corps. And one stiff-necked nation, Israel, which doesn't ‎have the wit to see how terrific this deal is for them.‎

In other words, fools or knaves, the benighted or the willfully ‎wicked, fighting a deal whose intrinsic benefits should be as self-‎evident as Bran Flakes or a good night's rest."‎

When your goal is to transform your country and the world, nothing can be ‎allowed to interfere with the legacy building.‎

That Obama may have gone a bit too far in the American University speech, and in ‎the administration's reactions to the announced opposition by ‎Schumer, is evidenced by some of his supporters trying to walk back the ugliest ‎part of his rant. Even liberals become a bit nervous when their president leaves ‎little doubt that he agrees with nativist Pat Buchanan that it is American Jews, ‎serving Israel, who always lead the United States to war, or that the death-to-America ‎chanters in Iran feel the same way about the nuclear deal as Republicans. The ‎death-to-America chanters are of course nothing more than a prop of the Iranian ‎regime, and no Iranian negotiators ever operated outside the mullahs oversight. ‎The death-to-America chanters are in fact on the same page as the president since ‎their bosses just made a deal with Kerry.‎

Many of the critics of the president's despicable words were careful to try to create ‎‎"a pox on both your houses" commentary about over-the-top language by both ‎supporters and opponents of the deal. Does the use of apocalyptic language about ‎the Iran deal by Mike Huckabee, a Republican presidential candidate currently ‎polling about 4% and with virtually no chance to be nominated, matter in the same ‎way that the words of the president of the United States matter? ‎

A former administration official and new head of the Anti-Defamation League, Jonathan Greenblatt, ‎seemed genuinely offended by the anti-Semitic themes in the president's speech: ‎"As the debate over the Iran deal has gone forward, the ‎administration has at times waded into characterizations ‎‎that in the eyes of many members of the ‎Jewish community recall malicious accusations about ‎Jews. ...

"Moreover, claims that opponents of the proposed ‎agreement are 'the same folks who brought us the war in ‎Iraq' remind many Jewish Americans of tired accusations ‎against the 'Jewish lobby' that has supposedly pushed for ‎every failed policy in the Middle East. Yet there was no ‎unified Jewish community position on the Iraq war, and ‎the community was in no way a major factor in the Bush ‎administration's decision to launch the war. In fact, many ‎Jewish Americans who are concerned about this deal with ‎Iran actually were opposed to the Iraq war and bristle at ‎accusations that imply 'they got it wrong before, don't ‎listen to them now.' ...

"This situation is exacerbated by framing opponents of the ‎deal as simply advocating for war. Opponents of the deal ‎in the Jewish community hear this as a suggestion that ‎Jews are seeking yet again to drag the United States into ‎conflict, possibly against American interests or to serve ‎only Israeli ones. Agree or disagree with the deal, it is ‎unfair to suggest that those who oppose it are advocating ‎for war."

After a bit of doubling down defending the speech, the ‎president has pulled back a bit the last few days, ‎acknowledging that there are arguments on both sides. But ‎any such pullback has one explanation only -- the president ‎may have hurt his effort to persuade some of the ‎Democrats still on the fence, and created new opponents. ‎He still wants to win, and to destroy his opponents. It is the ‎only way he knows how to do things. He spent too much ‎time in Chicago.‎

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