Hamas Indoctrinates Children…Again

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The media arm of HAMAS, Al-Aqsa TV, once again is using the airwaves to indoctrinate Palestinian youth and glorify violent jihad. In recent months, HAMAS has drawn the ire of the international community with various programs aimed at filling the minds of the next generation of Palestinians with hate and violence. The underlying message of the videos has largely focused on Israeli aggression, though, in recent editions, has digressed into the fray of the Hamas-Fatah split.

A back-to-school program called "The Gifted" features a child, identified as a 2-year-old, skulking around in military garb and aiming an assault weapon "at the occupying terrorists."

"We'll wear the battle-vest of self sacrifice and follow the path of the Shahids," a child narrator says as the younger boy, his face hooded, stoops down with his weapon.

Previously, the most infamous example of this propaganda came earlier this year, when the television show, "Tomorrow's Pioneers" featured a Mickey Mouse carbon copy named Farfour. Farfour was on the show week after week encouraging children, along with his co-host Saraa, to fight Israel and violently resist, all the while proclaiming the supremacy of Islam.

Following international scrutiny of the show and its character, Saraa informed viewers that Farfour had been "martyred at the hand of the criminals, the murderers, the murderers of innocent children...."

Shortly thereafter, a new character appeared on the show, Nahoul the Bee, who tells Saraa that he is the cousin of Farfour and wants, "to continue the path of Farfour, the path of Islam, of heroism, of martyrdom, and of the mujahideen." Nahoul has also been a source of controversy after abusing cats and lions at the Gaza Zoo.

Al-Aqsa's latest example comes in its weekly, 60 Minutes-esque, after-school series, "The Gifted." In a "special episode…marking the beginning of the school year," according to a translation by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, children are shown marching with a Hamas flag as two child anchors invite the audience to "enjoy the next few minutes and discover the talents of children all over Palestine." The segment is purportedly produced by a friend of the youthful anchors named Ahmad.

We then see the 2-year old showing off his "talents" as a Jihadi-in-training. The video originally aired on Al-Aqsa TV on September 3, 2007. It shows the toddler in full al-Qassam Brigades military getup and sporting an automatic weapon. Showing the "strength, youth and courage" required to "reclaim…[the] beloved homeland," the boy crawls, aims, and shoots adroitly at the "occupying terrorists."

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