HAMAS Teaching Kids to Kill

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SEAN HANNITY: This Shocking video is actually a back to school program that is being shown on television stations nationwide in the Middle East to indoctrinate its youth in glorified violent jihad. The most infamous example of this very same propaganda came earlier this year when the television show tomorrow's pioneers featured a Micky Mouse lookalike teaching children violence but word is this is the first time we're actually seeing children using machine guns and being instructed on how to kill.Now to discuss this: founder of the investigativeproject.org, terrorism analyst, our good friend Steve Emerson.

Steve, they're instructing these kids specifically in the use of firearms and how to kill here. And yet we have, as we argued in the last segment, we have liberals in this country who want to deny that this is the rise of fascism in our time.

STEVEN EMERSON: You know, Sean, this is the first time that I've seen in my twenty years of looking at these videos a two-year-old handling an AK-47 and claiming to be a shaheed, or a martyr, and wanting to be a suicide bomber. I mean, this is pretty horrifying in terms of the lessons that it permeates for the rest of Palestinian and Middle Eastern society. And the fact is that you can call this anything you want, but it is Islamic fascism in the same way that, you know, Italian fascism or German Nazism weren't slurs on Germans or Italians; they simply described the phenomenon of what people believed in those countries.

HANNITY: Is it – is it any different than the indoctrination – especially a lot of this is focused on Israeli aggression or, as you point out, martyrdom, or the pursuit of martyrdom, in the name of God and religion here. Is it any different in your mind – in your estimation – than say, the Nazi youth movement of Hitler.

EMERSON: No, because the same essence, the same end objective, is the same – which is the ultimate demonization of Jews and its enemies so they can be killed. That's what these lessons do. That's what these television programs do. They demonize the Jews or Christians so that they make it acceptable to kill them. That's exactly what the Germans did.

ALAN COLMES: But Steve, aren't you demonizing Islam? Aren't you – when you use words like Islamo-fascism it conflates an entire religion with fascism, and that's demonization and it offends an entire religion.

EMERSON: Alan, what term would you use?

COLMES: Uh, I would call it fascism, but I wouldn't link it to a religion as you choose to do.


EMERSON: So what makes it different than Italian fascism or German fascism?

COLMES: Well, you're indicting an entire religion. It doesn't represent the entire religion, as opposed to a government.


EMERSON: Wait a second, Alan, when they had the IRA battles, they referred to Protestant extremists and Catholic extremists…

COLMES: Yeah, I object to that term…


EMERSON: They didn't indict everybody who was Catholic and Protestant.

COLMES: I'm telling you what my opinion is, and we obviously disagree. And there are many that agree with me that this is extremely insulting to an entire religion and that you can call it fascism if you want, you want to talk about specific people who do heinous deeds – nobody says this is good what we're seeing, but you want to extrapolate to an entire religion.


EMERSON: Alan, let's take the term away Islamo-fascism. Let's use the term Islamic militant or Islamic extremist.

COLMES: You leave religion out of it.

EMERSON: …does that offend you?

COLMES: It is offensive because you want to define a religion by attaching a word to it that defines that religion.


EMERSON: It is offensive? Wait a second now – does the term Islamic jihad offend you?

COLMES: You're using offensive terminology because you are defining a religion that way.


EMERSON: Wait, that's the term of a group – Alan, that's the term of a group that describes itself as Islamic Jihad. We caught you, Alan. That's not something that we call them.


COLMES: No, you didn't catch me – you didn't catch me…


COLMES: …fine. It is offensive, and you are indicting an entire religion by the terminology you are using. We got to take a break…


EMERSON: Wait, wait – Alan, Islamic Jihad calls itself Islamic Jihad – they are the ones defining the religion, not us.


COLMES: Good, let them do it. It's not for you to define their religion.

But we're going to talk more about…

EMERSON: But I'm only using their term!

COLMES: I don't think you have the right to do that. I don't think that's your call…


EMERSON: I don't have the right to use their term? Because they call themselves Islamic Jihad?


EMERSON: You're an apologist, Alan! You're an apologist for Islamic extremism.

COLMES: We will have – call me all the names you want, Steve, and that says more about you than it says about me.

More on this shocking video of HAMAS conducting terror training with toddlers, and more frightening images coming up.

(Commercial break)

COLMES: We now continue with terrorism analyst, Steve Emerson.

The images we're showing, Steve – doesn't this show the way to deal with this – and we don't deny that it's happening, so there is no argument there – but shouldn't we be dealing with this not with guns, not with munitions, not with military action, but with books, not bombs; with better education, not war?

EMERSON: Alan, it would be great, but we're not the ones controlling their behavior. If they would engage in books and in educational moderation, that would be great. But they are the ones engaging in use of shaheed, martyrdom, suicide bombing, AK-47s for two-year-olds. If you want to make sure that there's moderation, let them engage in it.

And by the way, Alan, I don't see you getting upset when I hear the term Hindu extremist, Protestant extremist, Jewish extremist – it's only when you use the word Islamic extremist.


COLMES: Now you have defined an entire movement as Islamo-fascism.You want to go back there, but I want to get the conversation forward though, and talk about – for example, our own NIE report, sixteen intelligence agencies concluded that, for example, the Iraq conflict has become the cause celeb for jihadists.

And the best we can do – this war has encouraged others, and fueled the kind of fascism you're talking about. Shouldn't we – and I go back to "books, not bombs" – that's what we could be putting our energies much more positively than more military action.

EMERSON: We are not the ones that are doing the bombing, Alan; they are. And unless they want to read the books, we can't force them to it. The fact is, Alan, they are the one's committing fascist acts, they are the ones committing suicide bombings…

HANNITY: Hey, uh, Steve…

EMERSON: …and they did it before we went into Iraq. They did it in 1993, they did it in 1998, they did it in 1999, they did it in 2001…


HANNITY: Hey, Steve, let's look at the words though. Steve, God will make you a martyr, a religious term.

The word jihad, holy war – God will reward you with virgins. You know, as they strap bombs on their own children. The religious terms – the religious connection is from those who have perverted their religion and used religion, their twisted version of Islam, to move this fascist movement. So the definition is appropriate.

They are fascist, they're strapping bombs on their own kids, they think they are doing God's will, and God's waiting to reward them, so there is – that is the proper definition.

EMERSON: Of course it is, Alan. And you know what…


EMERSON: …the groups in the United States, like CAIR and other groups, flip the inversion and what they say is "the use of the term Islamo-fascism, Islamic terrorism, Islamic extremism is racist," and, therefore, they try to intimidate anyone who talks about the extremist agenda of radical Islam. I think that's obscene.

HANNITY: Alright, I've – thanks very much for being with us. Appreciate it.

Related Topics: Steven Emerson
