Hizballah Leader Brags About Capabilities That Could Kill Thousands of Israelis

Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah is boasting about his terrorist organization's ability to kill tens of thousands of Israelis with Iranian-supplied precision-guided missiles, reports the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

Speaking during a ceremony on Feb. 16, Nasrallah threatened that Hizballah could kill scores of Israelis if he chooses to attack "ammonia tanks" in Haifa that, according to the terrorist leader, hold over 15,000 tons of gas.

"Today Nasrallah has an atomic bomb...[the combination of] Hizballah's missiles and the ammonia barrels in Haifa [equal] and atomic bomb," brags Nasrallah, amid laughing at the prospect of ordering an unprecedented mass-casualty terrorist attack.

Nasrallah has made similar taunts about mass casualty attacks against Israel.

In a 2012 speech broadcast on Al-Manar TV, Nasrallah talked about Hizballah's precision-guided missiles capable of striking high-level targets in Israel that would "turn the lives of thousands of Zionists into a living hell" which would lead to "tens of thousands of Israelis killed, not 300 or 400 or 500."

Nasrallah also claims that Hizballah cannot be deterred, despite the fact that its 2006 war with Israel is credited for avoiding a massive Hizballah attack. After that war, Nasrallah admitted that he would not have ordered the Hizballah incursion and kidnapping of Israeli soldiers that sparked the war had he known Israel would have responded with such overwhelming force.

In an April 2015 interview on Syrian state TV, Nasrallah also admitted that Hizballah cannot defeat Israel without external assistance.

Nevertheless, Nasrallah called for the need to prepare for the next military confrontation with Israel during his latest speech, despite acknowledging that Hizballah does not want to fight Israel at the moment.

"We are prepared to defend out country against the Zionist enterprise even while we are busy in Syria or other places," Nasrallah said as he stood beside a banner with the text, "The resistance will not be defeated."

The "resistance" from the perspective of Israel's enemies, refers to the constant preparation and strategic objective of destroying the Jewish state through a variety of means, including terrorist attacks and seeking to acquire sophisticated weaponry to kill large numbers of Israelis.

Even though Hizballah remains bogged down fighting on behalf of Iran in support of Bashar al-Assad in Syria's civil war, the terrorist organization constantly seeks to acquire advanced weapons systems, enhance its bases of operations in southern Lebanon, and establish new strongholds in the Golan Heights for the purposes of attacking Israel. Hizballah has also shown a recent willingness to support Palestinian terrorist organizations and cells in the West Bank devoted to killing Israelis.

Click here for the full Meir Amit center report.

Related Topics: IPT News, Hizballah, Lebanon, Hassan Nasrallah, rockets, Syrian civil war, Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, incitement
