Video Shows British ISIS Jihadis Celebrating the Attacks

Video obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) shows Islamic State (ISIS) jihadis in Raqqa celebrating the Brussels attacks and wishing for future ones in the United Kingdom.

"In Belgium, Brussels Airport a big boom went off," a jihadi says. "Heathrow, Downing Street."

Another jihadi is heard in the background, saying, "You're next!"

The video is typical of the Islamic State's recent post-attack celebrations and promises of future attacks.

A tweet repeated on several ISIS-related account seemed to imply that London, which witnessed its own horrific suicide bombing on July 7, 2005, could be next on the terrorists' target list. The tweet shows Paris's Eiffel Tower with the black ISIS flag along with the triumphal arch in Brussels followed with the question, "Who is next!!!???"

A photo of Big Ben next to London's St. Paul's Cathedral and the Reichstag building in Germany accompanies the caption.

London isn't the only city in ISIS' crosshairs. The nation's capital, Washington, D.C., also received honorable mention. Just as following the San Bernardino shooting, an ISIS-linked account posted an image of the U.S. Capitol dome surrounded by an explosion, with the caption: "Soon in Washington."

Another image posted on the same Twitter account shows an ISIS jihadi standing atop a beheaded Statue of Liberty.

Related Topics: John Rossomando, Brussels terror attacks, ISIS threats
