PA Honors Another Terrorist Amid U.S. Foreign Aid Re-Evaluation

Instead of promoting peaceful coexistence, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has decided to honor yet another Palestinian terrorist who killed numerous Israeli civilians.

The PA unveiled a statue Sunday of terrorist Ahmad Jabarah Abu Sukkar who orchestrated a deadly bombing in Jerusalem that killed 15 and injured over 60 Israelis in 1976, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reports.

Abu Sukkar was released after serving 28 years of a life sentence as part of an Israeli goodwill gesture to the PA in 2003.

Senior Palestinian officials – including the director of the PA's Commission of Prisoners' Affairs, Issa Karake, and the governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh, Laila Ghannam, – participated in the terrorists' commemoration.

Karake proclaimed that "this monument is intended to implant in the minds of sons and daughters that we are continuing to be loyal to the path of the Martyrs," the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida reported.

"Ahmad Abu Sukkar is a real man, a fighter, and a man who left his impression on everyone and who was a school for giving, resolve, and courage. We are proud of him as one of the symbols of the Palestinian national struggle..." Karake said.

The presence of these senior officials reinforces the fact that the Palestinian government openly glorifies people for murdering innocent Israelis, while encouraging future generations of Palestinian youth to emulate terrorists.

Earlier this month, members of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee agreed to explore options to stifle a PLO program that pays monthly salaries to convicted terrorists. Palestinian affiliated organizations, including the PLO, are continuing to exploit a loophole in U.S. foreign aid that enables the Palestinian government to pay terrorists and their families. Coupled with systematic indoctrination and glorification of terrorism, generous financial payments contribute to existing incentives among Palestinian youth to attack and kill innocent Israelis.

In a speech aired on YouTube on Friday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requested that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas cancel the terrorist commemoration to avoid promoting violence among Palestinian youth.

"Rather than dedicate a statue to a mass-murderer, I ask that you consider honoring a champion of co-existence. This will help educate future generations to love peace over war, compassion over violence," said Netanyahu.

Related Topics: IPT News, Palestinian incitement, Palestinian Authority, Ahmad Jabarah Abu Sukkar, Palestinian Media Watch, Issa Karake, Commission on Prisoner Affairs, Benjamin Netanyahu
