Next President will need to Reestablish U.S. Credibility

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Pete Hoekstra: Oh absolutely, and J.D., you and I have talked about this on your programs over the last number of months. We are weaker. Are we weaker or stronger in Europe? We are weaker. Are we weaker or stronger in the Middle East? Weaker. Northern Africa? We are weaker. But most importantly, the relationships that we have had with world leaders in countries around the world are in tatters. We've got to, you know they no longer trust us, they no longer fear us, they no longer respect us. And when that happens, it's bad for America, and it's bad for the rest of the world. Now the next president on January 20 is going to have their hands full with reestablishing American credibility around the world. I think, what, in this trip to Asia, Laos, recently by the president, it was multiple times that he referred to us as lazy, and the problems that we have in this country. And it's kind of like – no, Mr. President, we have our issues, we may have our problems, but when you're overseas, inspire them so that they, these countries can want to become like we are. Because I can tell you most of the people in these countries they would love to have that pass to get into the United States and to establish a life here.

J.D. Hayworth: Yeah, I think in fitting he was going to the G20 Summit, he insulted Americans 17 times on that trip, I believe was the count.

Hoekstra: Right.

Related Topics: , America Talks Live, J.D. Hayworth, Pete Hoekstra, NewsmaxTV, Middle East, Laos, Asia
