Maryland Mosque Lauds Pakistani Assassin

On Sunday, an American mosque glorified a terrorist responsible for killing a Pakistani governor who was critical of Pakistan's blasphemy laws, the Rabwah Times reported.

Salman Taseer, the former governor of Punjab province, became an instant target for radical Islamists after he defended a Christian woman facing blasphemy charges. In 2011, Taseer's own bodyguard Mumtaz Qadri shot and killed him.

When Qadri was executed for the killing last year, more than 100,000 Pakistanis paid their respects at his funeral.

The Gulzar E Madina Mosque in Pikesville, Md. apparently shared in the mourners' zeal, hosting a celebration Sunday in Qadri's memory. The mosque held a traditional "Urs" ceremony usually reserved for holy figures, the Rabwah Times story said.

Days earlier, the mosque advertised the event in the Urdu Times, America's most distributed Urdu language newspaper. The event featured several speakers spewing radical views, including Syed Saad Ali, an Islamist scholar based in New Jersey.

"Warrior Mumtaz Qadri kissed the noose in love for Prophet Muhammad," Ali said. "When Qadri was in jail for 5 years what did we do? What effort did we make (for his release)? Why did we not go where he was being held? Qadri did everything for us, and for the love of Islam and we could not even stand by him. People say Islam teaches peace...I say Islam teaches us Ghairat (Honor). Who will now stand up?"

According to the Rabwah Times, the event was "attended by dozens of people including young children and teenagers."

Pakistan has charged about 1,000 people with blasphemy since 1987, and convictions can carry the death penalty. These laws especially target members of Pakistan's minority communities, including the Ahmadi and Christians. But the law can be also applied to anyone that is seen as a threat to the government.

Sunday's event in Maryland is another example of a radical mosque in the United States glorifying terrorists and inciting violence among younger generations. Impressionable children in these contexts view terrorists as heroes and are encouraged to support and violence for Islamist objectives.

Related Topics: IPT News, blasphemy laws, Pakistan, Salman Taseer, Mumtaz Qadri, radicalization, Gulzar E Madina Mosque
