Arab Factions Praise Jordanian Terrorist For Killing Israeli Schoolgirls

Muslim Brotherhood and Palestinian factions are praising a Jordanian terrorist who shot and killed seven Israeli schoolgirls and injured six others in 1997, after his release from prison on Saturday.

"The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas hails the Arab Hero Ahmed Daqamseh on his release and his gaining his freedom. As we greet his noble struggle, his historic steadfastness and his heroic positions on Jerusalem and Palestine and the Resistance of the Palestinian people," according to an Investigative Project (IPT) translation of a Hamas press statement released on Monday.

Following his release, Daqamseh labeled Israelis as "human garbage vomited into our midst by the world's nations" and called for the death of Israelis "whether by burning or by burying," in comments translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

The Muslim Brotherhood's political wing in Jordan rejoiced at Daqamseh's freedom.

"The (Islamic Action) party greets people of Jordan and the family of the hero Ahmed Damaqseh on his release from prison after his sentence and welcomes his return to practice his national role alongside the free men of this nation in construction and achievement," according to the IPT's translation of an Islamic Action Party statement.

Even the so-called moderate Palestinian faction, Fatah, glorified the Jordanian terrorist, justifying the murder of Israeli schoolchildren.

"It may be noted that the soldier Daqamseh opened fire on the group of girls because they made fun of him during his prayers according to his testimony at the time," reads a Fatah statement.

Numerous supporters celebrated Daqasmeh's release, posting large signs glorifying the murderer in the streets of Ibdar city – located in Irbid Province north of Amman – which host's Daqasmeh's tribe.

"Praise be to God for your safety Oh Abou Sayf [Father of the Sword]

After a long absence of twenty years. Your village is filled with light Oh Lion of the Valley. Welcome," reads one sign, translated by IPT, featuring Daqamseh's face

Social media users also glorified the Jordanian soldier turned terrorist as a "hero" and a "model," while Daqamseh's name was trending on Twitter.

From the Muslim Brotherhood's factions in Jordan and the Palestinian territories, to Mahmoud Abbas' party Fatah and across social media, praise for the murderer of Israeli schoolgirls is gaining traction throughout the Arab world.

Related Topics: IPT News, Palestinian terrorists, Ahmed Daqamseh, terrorist glorification, MEMRI, Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Action Party, Fatah, attacks on children
