Palestinian Group Hosts Terrorist Fundraising Event in Germany

The Democratic Committee of Palestine hosted an event in Berlin Saturday to raise money for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist group, according to the Berlin daily Tagesspiegl and reported by the Jerusalem Post.

The event reportedly took place in the building that also hosts Neues Deutschland's publishing house – a socialist newspaper.

A recent NGO Monitor report outlines how several European governments fund organizations with PFLP links. The PFLP is a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization designated by the EU and other Western states. These NGOs often justify attacks against Israeli civilians and maintain ties to known terrorists.

According to the NGO Monitor report, PFLP operatives founded some of the listed organizations directly, while other groups include staff members who were convicted of terrorism-related charges by Israeli courts. These so-called human rights organizations are at the forefront for the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, while prominent individuals within some of the NGOs are known to promote violence and anti-Semitism.

Berlin Mayor Michael Müller faced criticism for not blocking the PFLP fundraiser. Müller also faced backlash for allowing Hizballah sympathizers and members to participate in an annual al-Quds Day march in Berlin last month.

There are roughly 250 active Hizballah operatives in Berlin and a total of 950 Hizballah members throughout Germany, according to a 2014 Berlin intelligence report summarized by the Jerusalem Post. Though the number of Hizballah supporters in Germany is believed to be far higher.

While the European Union, including Germany, designated Hizballah's military wing as a terrorist entity, Germany allows Hizballah's political wing to operate freely.

Recent developments suggest that political and fundraising groups affiliated with Palestinian terrorist organizations are tolerated in Germany as well.

Related Topics: IPT News, PFLP, terror financing, NGO Monitor, Germany, BDS, Hizballah, Michael Müller, al-Quds Day
