Al-Arian: "Allah Turned the Jews into Monkeys and Pigs"

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Sami Al-Arian led a rally in 1991 in the auditorium of a Chicago high school to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Palestinian Intifada. The rally featured Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) spiritual leader Abdel-Aziz Odeh and a host of PIJ imagery. In this excerpt, Al-Arian warns against recent peace efforts aimed at ending the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Al-Arian: O brothers and sisters: Have we forgotten? Have we forgotten the Jews and who they are? God, the Glorious and Sublime, warns us of the Israelites, whom he has cursed in the Quran. "Those of the Children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed by David and Jesus, son of Mary; that, on account of their disobedience and their aggression. They used not to forbid one another from committing any of the evils they were committing. Evil is what they did!"

These people - whom God, the Glorious and sublime, had made into monkeys and pigs, had become discontent and angry with, had cursed in this world and in the hereafter, and had imposed a punishment on them in this World until Judgment Day - these people today hold sway over us, our people, our nation, and our future. We want to negotiate with them, to have a dialogue with them, as if we have forgotten who the Jews are, because we have distanced ourselves from our Quran, history, and heritage, and we do not understand our reality.
