Virginia Woman Praises Ayatollah in Iranian News Agency Interview

Japan had its Tokyo Rose. Vietnam had its Hanoi Jane. Now Iran's regime hopes it has its Tehran Janice.

Janice Kortkamp, that is. She previously worked closely with Virginia GOP State Sen. Richard Black, an outspoken advocate for Syria's Iranian-backed Assad regime. Now she's giving propaganda interviews to the Iranian press attacking Israel and the West, telling the unofficial state news agency Tasnim Sunday that "the western attitude is being manipulated to the point of control by Zionists."

The Leesburg, Va., resident praised Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's November 2015 letter to Western youth. The letter blamed America for fostering al-Qaida, the Taliban and for fostering jihadism.

"I read the Ayatollah's excellent letter with great respect for its rational, informed, compassionate message – in other words – its wisdom. I shared it on social media as many others did. The fact that it spread far and wide on Facebook and other alternate platforms is indicative of a high level of support I believe," Kortkamp told Tasnim.

The ayatollah's letter should be taught by every university in their history, religion and Middle East studies programs, she said. "All nuance was disregarded or hidden, even of such importance as the separation of true Islam from the Takfiris' twisted, violent ideology," Kortkamp said, referring to Muslims who accuse other Muslims of apostasy.

She might want to question her Iranian hosts about their support for these same Takfiri terrorists, including al-Qaida. We now know, thanks to documents captured from Osama bin Laden and elsewhere, that Iran has close ties with both al-Qaida and the Taliban, and it harbored ISIS founder Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi.

Last month, Kortkamp gave an interview to Iran's Press TV in which she accused the U.S. of relocating ISIS terrorists to justify its "illegal" operations in Syria in support of Israel's desires.

Among other things, she cited Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp commander Gen. Qassim Soleimani, considered by the U.S. government as specially designated terrorist, saying Israel, the West and the Saudis want Muslims killing each other.

"What 'Israel' did to Palestine has become the model for their hoped for 'Greater Israel' project that requires the muscle power of the West ... approving endless wars out of fear and ignorance," Kortkamp said.

Yet, reports suggest the IRGC has fanned the flames of Sunni-Shia tensions across the Middle East, especially in arming the Houthis in Yemen, using Hizballah and other proxies to fight on behalf of Bashar al-Assad in Syria and its support for the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in Iraq.

In some documented cases, the PMU engaged in activity similar to ISIS, such as burning a Sunni militiaman alive.

Back in September, Kortkamp also told Tasnim that Israeli influence over American policy was waning.

Americans sympathetic to Soviet communism once were called "useful idiots." it would seem that Iran is hopeful that Kortkamp can be theirs.

Related Topics: John Rossomando, propaganda, Janice Kortkamp, RIchard Black, Ayatollah Khamenei, Tasnim news agency, al-Qaida
