Colombian Police Arrest Cuban ISIS Suspect Who Threatened U.S. Diplomats

Colombian police arrested a Cuban man earlier this week, saying he plotted to attack U.S diplomats in Bogota in the name of ISIS. Raúl Gutiérrez allegedly plotted to carry out his attack this past Tuesday at a restaurant frequented by the diplomats, reports out of Colombia suggest.

Authorities arrested Gutiérrez working in conjunction with Spanish authorities and the FBI.

He was held without bail after a court appearance Thursday.

Evidence gathered from Gutiérrez' electronic devices indicate that he planned an attack before he was arrested, Gen. Jorge Nieto, head of Colombia's police, told the Associated Press.

Gutiérrez came to the authorities' attention last month when they intercepted communications in which he said he planned to make a bomb and detonate it at the restaurant. He also allegedly expressed his willingness to blow himself up in the name of ISIS and Allah in a comment posted on the Telegram encrypted messaging service.

Spanish police say that his online profile showed signs of Islamic extremist indoctrination. He described himself as a "jihadist" on several social media accounts.

Gutiérrez used Telegram to converse with a Spanish extremist and with a contact in Morocco, the Colombian news website Las 2 Orillas reported.

"Allah will receive you in paradise with his arms open. Do it in the name of ISIS. Look at the brother of the United States in New York who ran over the infidels. He did it without the help of the organization. The brothers in England who slashed and ran over did not do it with the help of ISIS, but they did it in their name. I only ask you to do it in the name of ISIS," one of Gutiérrez' contacts reportedly told him on Telegram.

Gutiérrez pleaded not guilty, yelling at journalists near the court that he was not a terrorist.

But Gutiérrez denied being Muslim, and said he only disliked the "new world order," a Bogata radio station reported on its Facebook page. ISIS instructs its lone jihadists to deny they are Muslim.

Related Topics: John Rossomando, Colombia, Raul Gutierrez, Jorge Nieto, plots against Americans, ISIS
