Abigail R. Esman

IPT Senior Fellow Abigail R. Esman is a freelance writer based in New York and the Netherlands, and the author of Rage: Narcissism, Patriarchy, and the Culture of Terrorism. Follow her at @abigailesman.

She can be reached at abigail@abigailesman.com.

Writings by Abigail R. Esman

Publication Date

Does the Jihadist Threat Still Exist?

IPT News June 21, 2023

"Salafist Police" Targeting Westernized European Muslims

IPT News April 25, 2023

Turkish Fury Over 6-Year-Old Bride Could Change Country's Future

IPT News March 30, 2023

Europe Grapples with Independent Quran Schools Radicalizing Students

IPT News February 17, 2023

Is 2023 the Year of Jihad's Resurgence?

IPT News January 30, 2023

Victim Jihad: The Strategy Behind the Jailed Terrorists' Complaints

IPT News December 16, 2022

The Istanbul Bombing and Middle Eastern Women's Demand for Freedom

IPT News December 1, 2022

How Iran's Hijab Protesters Are Fighting for Muslim Women Everywhere

IPT News October 12, 2022

Iranian Dissident: "The least we can do here is to be their voice"

IPT News October 12, 2022

Persecuted at Home, Iran's Christian Converts Finding Europe's Doors Closed

IPT News September 15, 2022

Black Market Repatriation of ISIS Families Fosters New Threats

IPT News August 16, 2022

In Molenbeek: Jihadists, Guns and (Drug) Money

IPT News July 6, 2022

Review: Artists Under Fire: The BDS War against Celebrities, Jews, and Israel

by Lana Melman
June 27, 2022

Nexus Between "Vicious Antizionism" and Spiking Antisemitism Motivates Author

IPT News June 27, 2022

Secular Turks Fear Immigrant-Fueled Islamist Wave

IPT News June 7, 2022

Erdogan's Islamist Slide Puts Turkish Women at Risk

IPT News April 28, 2022

The Increasing Danger Facing Women in Turkey

IPT News March 25, 2022

Erdogan Jails Critics to "Show Them Their Boundaries"

IPT News February 10, 2022

Getting Away with Murder: The Campaign to End Kuwait's Honor Crimes Law

IPT News January 12, 2022

Dutch Consider Sending Funds to Terror-Linked NGOs

IPT News December 27, 2021

Europe's Jewish Students Face Antisemitic Onslaught

IPT News December 6, 2021

Iran's Atrocious Human Rights Record Must Be Addressed Before New Nuclear Talks

IPT News October 28, 2021

How the Media's 9/11 Anniversary Coverage Shifted from a Critical Look at al-Qaida to Attacking America

IPT News October 6, 2021

Europe Continues Releasing Jihadis Despite Warnings

IPT News August 6, 2021

Dutch Journalist's Shooting Presents Another Rap-Radicalization Link

IPT News July 13, 2021

Ex ISIS Brides Further Link IHH Aid Organization to Terrorists

IPT News June 29, 2021

Review: Prey: Immigration, Islam and the Erosion of Women's Rights

by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
June 4, 2021

Jew Hatred Soars as Hamas-Israel Fighting Rages

IPT News May 20, 2021

Erdogan's Frightening Retreat from Convention Protecting Women

Special to IPT News April 12, 2021

Turkish-Dutch Writer's Culture-Challenging Novel Triggers Threats

Special to IPT News March 10, 2021

Macron is Right. Islamo-Leftism is a Threat

Special to IPT News March 5, 2021

When Conservative Islam and Fashion Collide

Special to IPT News January 22, 2021

Reforming EU Imam Training Easier Said Than Done

Special to IPT News December 15, 2020

Blaming the Victim: Theo van Gogh, Charlie Hebdo, the Media and End of Free Speech

Special to IPT News November 4, 2020

Play Glamorizing ISIS Member Epitomizes "Jihadi Cool"

Special to IPT News October 20, 2020

Coercion, Violence Threaten Middle East, Asian, and African Christians

Special to IPT News September 24, 2020

Outrage Grows During a Summer of Honor Killings

Special to IPT News August 11, 2020

Are Madkhali Salafists an Islamist Trojan Horse?

Special to IPT News July 9, 2020

Is Ignorance About the Holocaust Connected to Soaring Anti-Semitism?

Special to IPT News June 4, 2020

"Turn the Infidels' Joy Into Funerals" – Recent Terror Arrests Reinforce Jihadists' Ongoing Menace

Special to IPT News May 13, 2020

Coronavirus Lockdowns Haven't Slowed Jihadists

Special to IPT News April 29, 2020

How Middle Eastern Extremist Groups Use Europe as Their Battleground

Special to IPT News April 1, 2020

Findings on ISIS Refugees Further Complicate Europe's Dilemma

Special to IPT News March 11, 2020

Dutch Museum Debates Censoring Degas Work to Avoid Muslim Offense

Special to IPT News February 18, 2020

The Anti-Islamist Muslim Challenging Ilhan Omar

Special to IPT News February 4, 2020

Who is Responsible for Palestinian Honor Killing?

Special to IPT News January 27, 2020

Black on Jewish Violence Marks the New New Anti-Semitism

Special to IPT News January 3, 2020

Is Europe Facing Another Decade of Jihad?

Special to IPT News December 30, 2019

Mona Haydar's "Hijabi Cool" Feminism Embraces the Islamist Patriarchy

Special to IPT News December 11, 2019

Dutch Court Case Reignites Europe's Focus on ISIS Children

Special to IPT News November 26, 2019

Book Review: "Unveiled" Traces Yasmine Mohammed's Path From Horror to Hope

Special to IPT News November 13, 2019

Neutral Switzerland's Growing Islamist and Jihadist Challenge

Special to IPT News October 25, 2019

Islamists Gear Up to Defy New Dutch Burqa Ban

Special to IPT News August 1, 2019

Dutch Struggle to Rein In State-Funded Salafist School

Special to IPT News May 14, 2019

Muslim Anti-Semitism Increases the Threat Facing Europe's Jews

Special to IPT News May 7, 2019

Child Marriage in Yemen Seen As a Means of Survival

Special to IPT News April 29, 2019

Supposedly "Deradicalized," They're Sending Money to ISIS Smugglers

Special to IPT News April 9, 2019

Lull in Terrorism Masks a Deepening Jihadist Threat, Dutch Report Warns

Special to IPT News March 1, 2019

Immigrant Muslim Youth Being Lured, Abandoned in Homelands

Special to IPT News February 21, 2019

#NoHijabDay Campaign Fights Women's Subjugation, Indoctrination

Special to IPT News January 30, 2019

Rahaf Alqunun's Escape Spotlights Abuses Saudi Women Endure

Special to IPT News January 15, 2019

Iran's European Hit Men

Special to IPT News December 14, 2018

Thousands of American Girls At Risk As Judge Strikes Down Federal FGM Ban

Special to IPT News December 6, 2018

Islamist Terror Threat As Strong As Ever, Dutch Intelligence Warns

Special to IPT News November 14, 2018

Acquitted of Blasphemy, Pakistani Christian Reportedly Finding Refuge in Europe

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 8, 2018

With Asia Bibi's Lawyer, Dutch Combat Pakistani Blasphemy Laws

Special to IPT News November 6, 2018

One European Sharia Supporter Fears Losing Democracy, the Other Enjoys Its Gifts

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 24, 2018

Latest Attack, Travel Warning, Expose Depth of Netherlands' Terror Threat

Special to IPT News October 22, 2018

French Say "Non" to Islamist Performer at Bataclan

Special to IPT News October 11, 2018

Investigation Finds Dutch Program Aided Terror-Tied Groups

Special to IPT News September 17, 2018

Pew Skews Study on Muslim Girls' Education

Special to IPT News September 12, 2018

Review: "Smarter Bombs": Understanding The World of Women Palestinian Bombers

by Anat Berko
Special to IPT News August 30, 2018

Interview with "Smarter Bombs" Author Anat Berko

Special to IPT News August 30, 2018

Review: Female Jihadists Are A Growing Problem. Invisible Martyrs Explains Why

by Farhana Qazi
Special to IPT News August 8, 2018

How Quiet Islamization Threatens Secular States

Special to IPT News August 1, 2018

Reading, Writing and Jihad: Child Soldiers and a Lost Generation

Special to IPT News July 11, 2018

The Horrors of Honor Violence: Terrorism At Home

Special to IPT News June 18, 2018

When Mental Illness Becomes an Excuse for Terrorists

Special to IPT News June 11, 2018

Cloak and Fashion: When a Museum Becomes a Tool for Islam

Special to IPT News May 8, 2018

Threats to Apostates "Most Severe" in Muslim Countries and Beyond

Special to IPT News May 4, 2018

Behind The Civil Rights Masks Of The Women's March Leaders

Special to IPT News April 24, 2018

Emerging Islamist Political Clout Accelerates Europe's Self-Islamization

Special to IPT News April 17, 2018

What Exactly Is Terrorism? Why Words Matter

Special to IPT News March 26, 2018

Radicalization in The Classroom: A Continuing Problem in Europe's Schools

Special to IPT News March 20, 2018

Protecting Afghan Women Is A National Security Issue

Special to IPT News February 23, 2018

The West Embraces the Hijab as Muslim Women Risk Their Lives for the Right to Choose

Special to IPT News February 13, 2018

Young But Dangerous: Still No Answer to Handling Europe's Children of ISIS

Special to IPT News January 22, 2018

As Attacks On Jews Rise in Europe, Anti-Semitism is the New Cool

Special to IPT News January 11, 2018

Rethinking "Radicalization": Dutch Researcher Discusses What Makes a Homegrown Terrorist

Special to IPT News December 26, 2017

"Islamophobia" Gets the Headlines Despite Trailing Anti-Semitic Violence

Special to IPT News December 18, 2017

Terrorists, Victims, or Both? The Children of ISIS Return

Special to IPT News November 20, 2017

Belgium Takes a Stand Against Palestinian Terrorist Glorification

Special to IPT News November 15, 2017

Tariq Ramadan's Fans Insist He's Not A Rapist: It's The Women's Fault. And the Jews'

Special to IPT News November 6, 2017

Rape Accusations Rip the Mask Off Tariq Ramadan's "Pose"

Special to IPT News October 30, 2017

Returning ISIS Jihadists Pose Long, Uncharted Challenge

Special to IPT News October 16, 2017

Is Austria's Burqa Ban an Example for America?

Special to IPT News October 10, 2017

Bin Laden Heir Breathes New Destructive Energy Into Al Qaeda

Special to IPT News September 25, 2017

Expensive Bride Price May Offer Another Lure to Jihad

Special to IPT News August 25, 2017

Sophisticated Australian Airplane Bombing Plot a Warning To the West

Special to IPT News August 3, 2017

Lessons from Europe's Immigrant Wave: Douglas Murray Cautions America

Special to IPT News July 24, 2017

Converts and Jihad

Special to IPT News July 17, 2017

The Real Jihadist Threat No One Is Watching

Special to IPT News July 17, 2017

The Identity Crisis Fueling European Muslim Radicalization

Special to IPT News June 7, 2017

For Some, Sex Appeal is Part of Jihad's Lure

Special to IPT News May 30, 2017

When Political Correctness Places Girls in Harm's Way

Special to IPT News May 23, 2017

Charismatic Islamist Seeks to Shake Up Belgian Politics

Special to IPT News May 3, 2017

Europe's Rising Islam-Based Political Parties

Special to IPT News April 21, 2017

How Erdogan's Victory Might Be Europe's Defeat

Special to IPT News April 17, 2017

After Surviving Evin Prison, She Works To Free Others

Special to IPT News March 31, 2017

In Iran's Women's Prisons, Injustice and Atrocity

Special to IPT News March 23, 2017

A Muslim Woman's Fight Against Radical Islam

Special to IPT News February 23, 2017

Raheel Raza Hopes To Be The Muslim Extremists Hate Most

Special to IPT News February 6, 2017

They Teach Our Children, Advise Our Government, And Support Jihad

Special to IPT News January 27, 2017

Beyond ISIS: Europe's Salafists Nurturing Jihad

Special to IPT News January 3, 2017

Is National Guilt Making Germany More Vulnerable To Terrorism?

Special to IPT News December 23, 2016

Why the UK's Sharia Courts Should Be Banned

Special to IPT News December 20, 2016

Women Form A Growing Threat To West In New ISIS Strategy

Special to IPT News December 1, 2016

One Year After Paris, What The West Still Needs To Learn About Islamic Terror

Special to IPT News November 25, 2016

Paris Jihadist Manages to Grow More Radical in Prison

For The Record - The IPT Blog November 22, 2016

Europe Gambles on De-Radicalization Programs As Terror Threat Rises

Special to IPT News October 27, 2016

Europe's Terror Challenges: The Returnee Threat

Special to IPT News October 19, 2016

How Some Muslim Nations are Forging a Real Peace with Israel

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News September 20, 2016

Raids, Arrests Show 9/11's Lessons Are Global

Special to IPT News September 12, 2016

With The Terror Threat Growing, Europe Changes Course

Special to IPT News August 31, 2016

How Trains Are A Prime Target for Terrorists

Special to IPT News July 26, 2016

Why is Virginia a Haven for Would-be Jihadists?

Special to IPT News July 18, 2016

Anger, Honor and Freedom: What European Muslims' Attack On Speech Is Really About

Special to IPT News June 30, 2016

Arrests Show Jihadists Infiltrating Syrian Refugees

Special to IPT News June 8, 2016

Antwerp Terror Arrests Underscore Growing Threat to Europe and America

Special to IPT News June 1, 2016

Erdogan Critic Unfazed by Threats of Prosecution, Violence

Special to IPT News May 25, 2016

Dutch Intelligence: Competition Could Fuel Jihadi Plots

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News April 27, 2016

How Radicalization Was Allowed to Fester in Belgium

Special to IPT News April 19, 2016

Europe's Young ISIS Recruits: Should They Stay or Should They Go?

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Special to IPT News April 6, 2016

The Terror Threat To Europe Is America's, Too

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Special to IPT News March 25, 2016

Brussels Bombing Suspect Tied to Paris Plotter

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 23, 2016

How Recent European Terror Wins Led to Abdeslam's Capture

Special to IPT News March 20, 2016

Violence Breaks Out in Molenbeek After Paris Suspect's Arrest

For The Record - The IPT Blog March 18, 2016

Study Shows ISIS' Emphasis on Child Soldiers

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News March 8, 2016

The Next Syrian Refugee Crisis: Child Brides

Special to IPT News February 26, 2016

Dutch Intelligence Report Exposes Horrors of Daily Life Under ISIS

Special to IPT News February 4, 2016

We Could Have Seen Europe's Muslim Rape Crisis Coming

Special to IPT News January 19, 2016

The New Terror Threat: Organized Rape

Special to IPT News January 15, 2016

After Paris, a Global Wave of Terror Arrests

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Special to IPT News December 30, 2015

#ExMuslimBecause Trend Stands Up To Extremists

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News December 18, 2015

Belgian Breeding Ground Fuels New Terror Wave

Special to IPT News November 23, 2015

Why Turkey's Erdogan Won A Surprise Election Victory

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News November 12, 2015

ISIS Rapes Women Toward Allah

Special to IPT News October 23, 2015

Opportunistic Erdogan Tries to Leverage EU Membership From Refugee Crisis

Special to IPT News October 9, 2015

Women Also Kill For Honor: Phyllis Chesler Study

Special to IPT News October 1, 2015

Deleted Facebook Posts Jeopardize Major Dutch Terror Trial

Special to IPT News September 23, 2015

Canadian "Hate Speech" Proposal Threatens Free Speech

Special to IPT News August 27, 2015

Charlie Who? Dutch Muslim Actor Threatened For Playing Jesus

Special to IPT News August 19, 2015

A Call to Formally Label ISIS Attacks on Christians, Yezidis as Genocide

Special to IPT News July 29, 2015

How ISIS Makes Money From The Art Market

Special to IPT News July 27, 2015

Abuse Victim's Fine Exposes Turkish Women's Harsh Reality

Special to IPT News June 9, 2015

Erdogan vs. the New York Times, and Democracy

Special to IPT News May 28, 2015

Study Exposes the Ugly Depth of European Muslim Anti-Semitism

Special to IPT News May 12, 2015

Threatened Dutch-Iranian Dissident: Attacking Free Speech A Core of Terrorism

Special to IPT News May 1, 2015

Taking Jihad to School – French Programs Emphasize Secularism

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News April 22, 2015

Guest Column: No Let-Up in Attacks On Europe's Jews

Special to IPT News March 30, 2015

Guest Column: Radicalization of Europe's Muslims Hits a Crisis Point

Special to IPT News March 23, 2015

Guest Column: Disturbing Questions Lurk Behind Dutch "Jihad Galas"

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Special to IPT News February 27, 2015

Guest Column: Europe on Edge One Month After Charlie Hebdo

Special to IPT News February 9, 2015

Guest Column - Europe's Radical Muslims: What's True And What's Not

Special to IPT News January 20, 2015

Guest Column: Nicholas Kristof & the Spirit of Charlie Hebdo

Special to IPT News January 9, 2015

Charlie Hebdo: Martyrs for the Truth

Special to IPT News January 7, 2015

Guest Column: Erdogan Grooms a New Jihad Generation

Special to IPT News January 6, 2015

Guest Column: Europe's Year of the Jihadist

Special to IPT News December 29, 2014

ISIS's Stay-at-Home Radicals

Special to IPT News December 9, 2014

Guest Column: The Disturbing Heroes of Dutch Muslim Youth

Special to IPT News November 25, 2014

Dutch Mayor Compares Muslims Joining ISIS to Post WWII Jews

For The Record - The IPT Blog October 23, 2014

Guest Column: Hidden Terror in Europe

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Special to IPT News October 1, 2014

Guest Column: Where Did IS Come From?

Special to IPT News September 12, 2014

ISIS a Jewish Plot? Propaganda and Islamic Jihad

Special to IPT News August 22, 2014

Dutch Mayor Cancels Anti-ISIS Rally as "Too Provocative"

For The Record - The IPT Blog August 14, 2014

Europe's Jihadist Girls: Teen Rebellion That Kills

Special to IPT News August 14, 2014

Dutch Jewish Advocate: Rising Anti-Semitism a "Crisis"

Special to IPT News August 6, 2014

In Europe, They Call For Death To Jews. Again.

Special to IPT News August 4, 2014

Anti-Semitic European Incidents Since May 2014

Special to IPT News August 4, 2014

As EU Funds Palestinian Terrorists, Holland Says "No."

For The Record - The IPT Blog July 18, 2014

As ISIS Threatens Europe, Dutch Cut Intelligence Funding

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Special to IPT News July 1, 2014

European Reports Show NSA's Successes

Special to IPT News June 24, 2014

Criticizing Islam Becomes "Incitement to Imminent Violence"

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Special to IPT News June 11, 2014

The French Jihadist Killings in Belgium: This is Just the Beginning

Special to IPT News June 2, 2014

Guest Column: Palestinian TV Teaches Kids The Way to 'Jihad Street'

Special to IPT News May 20, 2014

Guest Column: CAIR's Hypocrisy At America's Schools

Special to IPT News April 30, 2014

Experts Warn More European Muslim Youth Are Radicalizing

Special to IPT News April 25, 2014

Why Turkey's Local Elections May Have Global Impact

Special to IPT News March 28, 2014

When Democracy and Multi-Culturalism Collide

Special to IPT News March 13, 2014

Children Victimized by All Sides in Syrian Conflict

Special to IPT News March 4, 2014

Who Are The Women Fighting In Syria?

Special to IPT News February 14, 2014

In Turkey, Terror Probe Infuriates Prime Minister

Special to IPT News January 15, 2014

Possible Repercussions From Turkey's Corruption Scandal

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Special to IPT News January 9, 2014

Review: An American Bride in Kabul: A Memoir

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by Phyllis Chesler
Special to IPT News January 3, 2014

Esman: Women are "Biggest Losers" in Arab Spring

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Special to IPT News December 18, 2013

Guest Column: Turkey's Democratic Reforms Aren't All That Democratic

Special to IPT News December 4, 2013

Guest Column: UK Child Brides Victims of "Cultural Sensitivity"

Special to IPT News November 21, 2013

Guest Column: Canada's Growing Islamic Radicalization a Warning Sign

Special to IPT News November 4, 2013

The Growing Terror Threat From Radical Women Converts

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Special to IPT News October 17, 2013

Diary, Search History Offer Bizarre Insights Into "White Widow"

(1 comment)
Special to IPT News October 17, 2013

Canadian Muslims Protest "Honor Killing" Label As Racist

Special to IPT News October 7, 2013

Kuwait Funding Muslim Brotherhood Growth in Western Mosques

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Special to IPT News September 13, 2013

Guest Column: Bombing Into Unintended Consequences in Syria

Special to IPT News August 30, 2013

Guest Column: The False Religious Argument Over the Burqa

Special to IPT News August 6, 2013

Guest Column: "Stress" from Phantom Torture Keeps Terror Suspect in Netherlands

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Special to IPT News July 30, 2013

Guest Column: Dutch Islamic School's Lies and Threats Offer Broader Lessons

Special to IPT News July 19, 2013

Guest Column: What's in a Name?

Special to IPT News November 9, 2012

Guest Column: The Dangerous Lie Of The Hijab

Special to IPT News August 21, 2012