Writings by Lorenzo Vidino

Publication Date

The Tripartite Threat of Radical Islam to Europe

inFocus January 2, 2008

Evidence on Red-Green Alliance in Italy

IPT News November 6, 2007

"Controversial Muslim Resigns from Virginia Commission"

Fox News September 27, 2007

Italy's Left-Wing Terrorists Flirt with Radical Islamists

Global Terrorism Analysis, The Jamestown Foundation September 13, 2007

Kurdish network behind Germany threat warning?

Counterterrorism Blog May 12, 2007

Finding partners in Islam

The Boston Globe May 9, 2007

Lessons from Madrid and London

Counterterrorism Blog April 30, 2007

The Muslim Brotherhood in Holland

Counterterrorism Blog April 6, 2007

Italy: the strange Islamist/Communist alliance

Counterterrorism Blog March 28, 2007

Top al Taqwa officers and Ibrahim El Zayat on trial in Egypt?

Counterterrorism Blog February 9, 2007

Iranian call for the "convergence of Islamic movements"

Counterterrorism Blog January 24, 2007

Alleged Tunisian plot & GSPC's influence in N. Africa

Counterterrorism Blog January 17, 2007

After the Danish Cartoon Controversy

Middle East Quarterly Winter 2007

Aims and Methods of Europe's Muslim Brotherhood

(1 comment)
Hudson Institute November 1, 2006

The Danger of Homegrown Terrorism to Scandinavia

Counterterrorism Blog October 19, 2006

Democracy in the Muslim world

The Boston Globe September 24, 2006

Report: 3 Spanish Muslims Recruited for Jihad Every Month

Counterterrorism Blog September 9, 2006

The Danish Mohammed Cartoons and the Failed German Train Bombings

Counterterrorism Blog September 4, 2006

Italian government's pardons free terrorists

Counterterrorism Blog August 6, 2006

Is al Qaeda playing politics in Europe again?

Counterterrorism Blog May 5, 2006

The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic law in Europe

Counterterrorism Blog April 30, 2006

Islamists' message to Israel at New York City rally: "The mushroom cloud is on its way!"

Counterterrorism Blog April 21, 2006

Europe's 'Muslim' hoods; Where jihad and criminality converge

Washington Times April 21, 2006

State Department's flirting with the Muslim Brotherhood

Counterterrorism Bog April 20, 2006

Dutch Get Tougher onTerror

The Washington Times March 15, 2006

Tolerance Must have Limits

The Boston Herald February 20, 2006

Danish cartoons: new political tool

Counterterrorism Blog February 18, 2006

Recruting for Iraq: Not a Crime

Counterterrorism Blog February 16, 2006

Creating Outrage

National Review February 6, 2006

More lies from Danish Imams

Counterterrorism Blog February 4, 2006

Fabricated cartoons worsened Danish controversy

Counterterrorism Blog February 2, 2006

Jihad from Europe

Journal of International Security Affairs September 27, 2005

Major Terrorism Financier's Hotel Finally Under Pressure

Counterterrorism Blog September 9, 2005

Spanish authorities ignored tip

Counterterrorism Blog August 15, 2005

Finally, Madrid's mastermind

Counterterrorism Blog August 8, 2005

CIA agents wanted by Italy for kidnapping of radical imam

Counterterrorism Blog June 24, 2005

Forceful Reason

National Review Online June 10, 2005

How Chechnya Became a Breeding Ground for Terror

Middle East Quarterly Summer 2005

Germany acting against Turkish radical group

Counterterrorism Blog May 19, 2005

Training Imams in Europe: Italy Chooses the Wrong Partner

Counterterrorism Blog May 17, 2005

The enemy within

Armed Forces Journal January 13, 2005

The enemy within; Islamic terrorists infiltrate opposing forces

Armed Forces Journal January 1, 2005

The Muslim Brotherhood's Conquest of Europe

Middle East Quarterly Winter 2005

Credible Threat

New York Sun August 5, 2004

Suri State of Affairs

National Review Online May 21, 2004

Happy (Anti-Imperialist) Campers

National Review Online April 21, 2004

Al Qaeda's Death Train?

National Review Online March 15, 2004

Along Came Sharia

National Review Online February 19, 2004

Dutch Terror Treat

National Review Online January 7, 2004

Dutch Lessons

Wall Street Journal Europe August 7, 2003