Jihadi Videos Open Fort Dix Trial

Prosecutors played graphic videos of attacks on U.S. soldiers in Iraq, mixed with tributes to Osama bin Laden, in the trial of five men accused of plotting an attack on Fort Dix in New Jersey. News reports indicate that some jurors appeared shocked by the images.

The men, who live in Cherry Hill, N.J. and Philadelphia, also videotaped themselves firing weapons. Investigators found the tapes in the home of defendants Eljvir and Shain Duka. Prosecutors say they were inspired by Al Qaeda and internet videos such as those shown in court. More tapes were expected to be played today.

The investigation began when a Circuit City employee was asked to dub a video tape onto a DVD in January 2006. That tape has been described as containing jihadi training footage and the store worker called the FBI. A paid FBI informant later sold the men weapons. They were arrested in 2007.

Defense attorneys say the men were simply having fun and had no intention of waging any kind of attack. But in private conversation, the men were heard discussing their desire to kill.

The Cherry Hill Courier Post has a special section dedicated to the case, including a history of the case and snapshots of the players.

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