Former Extremist Sees Hypocrisy in Gaza Debate

A former Egyptian radical offers some strong words for those in the "Arab street" and westerners who have come out so strongly against Israel's attempt to neuter Hamas militarily. Tawfik Hamid challenges Israel's critics to be consistent:

"If it truly cared for Muslims' lives, it should have demonstrated in the same numbers and with equal vehemence against the Islamists who murder hundreds of thousands of their fellow Muslims, not to mention the Hamas slaughter of rival Fatah members - women and children included."

Hamid, author of Inside Jihad, an autobiographical account of his life in radical Islamist movements and his transition into a reformist, now lives in America and lectures on the extremist threat.

He might agree with some of the demonstrators that the conflict in Gaza is unnecessary. However, Hamid pins the blame on Hamas as the aggressor:

"If the Palestinians focused on building their society rather than destroying those of others, the whole region would enjoy peace and flourish. Should Palestinians recognize the right of Israel to exist, end terrorism against Jews and nurture a sincere desire to live in peace, they would end their suffering."

His column ran in the Jerusalem Post. Here's hoping U.S. outlets pick it up, too.

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