Britain's Taliban Helpers

It's bad enough to have thousands of troops fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. It's far worse to learn key components in the improvised explosive devices killing and maiming those troops are made in your own country.

That's the scoop Telegraph reporter Con Coughlin informed British readers about Saturday. British Muslims are sending the Taliban remote controlled devices to detonate IEDs or, in some cases, delivering them personally.

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband was briefed last week on the remote control systems which can be used from as far as a mile away, Coughlin reports. It's not the first time British commanders have determined that British Muslims were assisting the Taliban:

"In August, Brigadier Ed Butler, the former commander of UK forces in Afghanistan, told the Telegraph that there are "British passport holders" in the Taliban ranks. Other officers believe their soldiers have killed British Muslims fighting alongside the Taliban.

And last year, it was revealed that RAF Nimrod surveillance planes monitoring Taliban radio signals in Afghanistan had heard militants speaking with Yorkshire and Midlands accents."

IED attacks on British troops have doubled in the past year as western military have weakened the group's ability to wage more conventional attacks.

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