Why Hate Speech There is a Problem Here

One cleric called the Holocaust "divine punishment" and labeled Jews "Allah's enemies." Another urged Muslims to start "waging war against the Jews, who are devils in human form."

Hate speech on Arab media outlets is all too common. Writer Nonie Darwish argues Western media need to be more aggressive in calling it out since satellite television receivers are bringing the message to our neighbors' homes:

"We must never underestimate the power of hate propaganda, because, quite simply, it works. Believe it or not, if you grow up hearing 'holy' cursing day in and day out, it can feel and sound normal, justified and even good. Evil, especially coming from religious leaders, is powerful especially if no one opposes it. That is why I decided to end my subscription to satellite Arab TV, simply because I could not take it any more. I now rely on Memri.org for information on Arab media."

Memri, the Middle East Media Research Institute, devotes its attention on Arab media outlets, documenting examples of the kind of extremism Darwish references. Click here to see an Egyptian clerics call Jews "the slayers of the prophets" and responsible for World Wars I and II, the Civil War and others. Hating them isn't about a territorial dispute, they said, but a matter of pure faith.

Click here to read about the death of Assud, a talking bunny who became the latest loveable children's character on Palestinian TV who, just before dying at the hands of Israelis, urges children to wage jihad:

"My Will is That You Tell Our Beloved Children Never to Forget Jerusalem..., Al-Aqsa, the Prisoners, or the Refugees... Tell Them Assud Died a Martyr's Death."

Israel's Intelligence & Terrorism Information Center just issued a report on the subject of hate speech on Arab media which you can read here or here.

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